completely interesting

i found the flic refreshingly unique. i don't really get all the 1 star ratings. is this a case of reverse psychology? eh...either way...its something worth seeing in my untrained opinion. kinda like playing god watching some borderline monkey's tool around in a forest 1000 yrs ago.

its really a kind of meditation on a speculative human experience. an attempt to touch an invisible human history. just imagine what it must have been like.


I actually like how slow paced it is. Reminds us that a milennia ago, life was not nearly so frantic.


Say tat to someone who encoutered the Norsemen on their original outings. :>

"I would sum up my fear about the future in one word: boring." JG Ballard



It's not a strange film - it's a TERRIBLE film!
A dreadful, pre-film-student, low quality bore fest. I should have known better when the warning "contains scenes of human defecation" came up when I spent £3.75 on the bloody thing with 'pay for' tv.
