
Pixar has been around for such a short amount of time on the grand
scale of animation and yet this film shows how much they truly have
accomplished. I had a chance to see this film in full at Comic-Con
International and it was a delightful experience. As an aspiring
animator it was great to see the greats on the big screen. Go see this
film, it will make you appreciate the Pixar magic even more.


Yeah. It was awesome. How is it that whenever I read or watch something about these folks I gain even more admiration for their work and cause. Pixar rocks and JL is the man! I saw the WallE presentation today, looks interesting. They are getting more experimental which is absolutely fabulous... they didn't get where they are by following everyone else. At the end of the day they can truly say they did not dare to dream.


well Pixar has been around a little while longer then you might think. The core group of what makes up pixar had lots to do with some of the most early CGI work in film (Young Sherlock homes comes to mind). The very first thing I saw under the name Pixar was a little Bee Animation (The Adventures of Andre & Wally B (1984) André is awakened in a forest by a pesky bee named Wally B. When André points in a different direction, the bee looks away and André gets his chance to run away. Wally chases André and eventually catches him, reappearing with a bent stinger.) It used to play on a whole CGI revolution special on PBS. So this studio has been around for a good while now (coming up on 25 years!).




Hey Rainea ~

Really unfortunate when you add nothing to the commentary and WORSE, your SIGNATURE is longer than your comment.

Anyway, this is a film which should be mandatory viewing for all CEOs who cram "sensitivity" training, "motivational" town meetings etc. down employees' throats -- all the while using buzz-terms like "think outside the box" (or bun). This crew has done pretty much everything the firm's accomplished without helping hands from the suits.

No sig here.
