selfish girl

I just saw the movie and not one bit did I feel any sympathy for the "main" character. She's just this privileged selfish white girl who doesn't think of anyone but herself and her "problems." Ugh.


Why did you use the word "white" in your post? It seems to just be there as part of your insult. If someone had used the word "black" in a similar context there would be a 10 page discussion with accusations of racism.


agree about the white thing. No point to it. but she was a selfish twit.


Because privileged and white go hand in hand.

A poor white person is still better off than say a poor brown or black person if only because people don't automatically think they'll steal from the store or because they don't get stopped in traffic a million times by police


I agree that Greta was hard to sympathize with, but the fact that she was selfish & annoying was sort of the point of the whole movie. She was not supposed to be particularly likable. Watching her get past it we got glimmers of the person she could become, which was gratifying, I thought.


Why did Julie want to be with her????? She's good-looking, but really, that nasty personality is unacceptable in my book. Run!


I agree. I cannot stand these stories where the girl is a nasty, selfish person who treats a guy (and everyone else) so badly but he wants to be with her anyway.


I do not think that she was privileged really. I think that it was exactly the point . That everyone said she was priviliged in order everyone besides the grandpa to continue their lives without giving care to the girl who had her continued to search for a boyfriend . Gradma continued her life.. and greta was just the one that was a trouble for everyone..the only one who tried to be near to her changing his habits ans sacrificing things of his own calm life without criticising all the time was gradpa..

