MovieChat Forums > Eagle Eye (2008) Discussion > UMMMM...SHIA AND MICHELLE?


Michelle was born in 76, while Shia was born in 86, so she is 10 years older than him. Did anyone find the little hint at romance at the end of the movie to be somewhat weird? I mean, I'm 20, and it's like being interested in a 10 year old...



Er, no, it would be like you being interested in a 30 year old. There's a much bigger difference between a 10 and 20 year old than there is between a 20 and 30 year old.

I'm 23 and my girlfriend is 31, and aside from when people ask, our age difference has rarely ever been discussed. When it involves two fully grown adults age is practically a non-issue.


Well, at least it hinted that he could've ended up with her, in Constantine, it didn't work out so well.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


Weird? Not when she looks like Michelle Monaghan.


My girlfriend's ten years older than me, and it's great. We're both well into adulthood and we're compatible.

Nice when there's a movie where the woman's older.

Reason is a pursuit, not a conclusion.


I felt the exact same way! I know they tried to scale it down with a kiss on the cheek, but still, it was a bit too weird.

"No fate but what we make."


Thought it was lame. Didn't really care much for Michelle. Definitely would not have wanted a Megan or a Rose either but didn't care for her or a potential romance. She should have died. And can we not do a movie where people have to like fall for each other? Glad it was just a kiss on the cheek though.

A cynic is just a romantic who has seen the world.


If you're looking for a movie where a man and a woman go through all this wierd *beep* and don't hook up, try "Star Trek: First Contact", though Picard does give Lilly a kiss on the cheek at the end, which apparently was a holdover from the earlier draft, where Picard was on the planet, instead of Riker, and has some romance with a 21st Century woman.


I'm pretty sure I noticed that on a closeup of her passport it showed birth date as 1980 for her, so that would make her 28 at the time of the movie, so I think they were implying they are much closer in age, than the actual actors.
