This movie

This movie is insufferable, the obvious allusions are one dimensional... and obvious. JG is an awful actress and I can't for the life of me figure out why people like her.

As for it's imdb message board, I have never been so bored in my life when reading their ridiculous "god vs whatever" or "plot hole" arguments that are so fkn short-sided and insipid... the fact is, that no one knows what this universe is about in it's totality. Guess what? We aren't supposed to know! There is *so* much outside of our understanding that it boggles the mind to even 'go there' for a few brief moments. For instance (and I am generalizing), you don't even know how your cell phone works, or the microwave, or quantum physics.

Let's not focus on just our 'understanding' however... just focus, for a moment, on our own built-in optics. There are so many unseen things on this VERY PLANET that our eyes have no ability to comprehend. Our visual spectrum is so finite that it's probably one of the most limited in the animal kingdom. But... within that tiny visual spectrum, you profess to understand and proselytize these truths as YOU (or others that have TOLD you said truths) as IF they were actual. The fact is that you are infants with NO understanding and NO comprehension of the grand scheme of things.

Yet, you, in all of your "wisdom", go about telling others how to behave and assimilate and digest things that you do not even understand. But it's the truth. So it doesn't matter who or what stands in your way. You will beat people over the head with your rubbish to "help" them see what you see. Give. it. a. rest! Your truth is *YOUR* truth. Period. We are NOT created equal and anyone that tells you that, is also a moron.

"Well, what gives you the right to tell me that I am a... blah blah blah". NOTHING! I am an infant too. I just have the slightest bit of understanding that I DON'T (and can't) KNOW IT ALL. I wouldn't profess to tell you how to live any more than what I would profess to know what this universe *is*!

And that is o.k.a.y. This whole thing has spun out of control. This isn't what it was meant to be. We are better than the understanding that we give ourselves. We allow ourselves to be pushed and shoved and indoctrinated in tiny little boxes that can't even hold a granule of our true nature. You are better. Be better. Stop allowing others to TELL you who you are. They are just as frightened and confused as you, but that is the only thing they *won't* tell you.

We are living in a new age, the 21st century, people. It will never be any different unless you embrace change, challenge old, limiting beliefs, and as frightened and confused as we all are, move forward into it. It's better here, you just have to let go of the concepts that have been spoon fed to you our whole lives. It's our time to shine. Holding on to ancient concepts and trying to apply them to a modern world is like saying that the Japanese or the Germans or the Russians are still our enemies and that we should go to war with them ASAP. Ridiculous right? Yeah, well???

It doesn't fit this time period. Why should any of the stuff that our previous generations taught us hold any more water than that? Including bigotry, business, THE INTERNET, cars, or ANY TECHNOLOGY. They couldn't foresee any of the things that we know as reality, then. Why should we keep fighting their other WARS for them, now?



Someone needs a nap.


It's a great film. Too bad you didn't "get" any of it.


What made me think that I would receive lucid, insightful replies on lol

There is nothing to see here


For what it's worth, the expression you want is "two-dimensional" - lacking depth, and, thus, not three-dimensional. A one-dimensional object is an infinitesimal dot that the built-in optics of humans could not perceive in the first place.


For what it's worth, the expression you want is "two-dimensional" - lacking depth, and, thus, not three-dimensional. A one-dimensional object is an infinitesimal dot that the built-in optics of humans could not perceive in the first place.
Length is about the only dimension it did have... but point (or dot) taken.

Move along! There's nothing to see here


Jennifer Garner was so perfect in this movie that even small animals could see it. You're an idiot who no longer has a valid opinion on anything...ever.
