
Based on the comments on this board, I really think the double entendre present in Sick Nurses goes over a lot of everyone's heads? I actually think it was an extremely well-made film because it appealed to the B-horror audience, but it also has a very beautiful message and extremely unique.


you must not see a lot of movies or you're easily satisfied.

there are no good thai horror movies.
the best one ive seen so far is shutter and even that one is soooo s l o w that you can nod off several times during it and still know what's going to happen.

and to top it all off.. the acting in most (if not all) thai action/horror movies is dreadful.
nothing to be ashamed about tho'.. thailand has other qualities ;)

vote history: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=25007109


I actually agree with the OP, and I don't think the horror part was the main point here.
And Shutter was absolutely horrible.

