Most funny scene?

I laughed so hard after Art plays guitar and sings for those people. When he's done, that one guy raises his hand with a thumbs up, keeps raising it slightly and then suddenly turns it into a thumbs down. The way he did it made me laugh my ass off!


Nah the funniest part is when they're sitting on the sofa with those two girls and he says he has an erection! I could barely contain myself.


it's so hard to choose!

right now i'm thinking the funniest to me is in the beginning when ronny tells art he listened to the cd he lent him and didn't like it. and then art's face gets all contorted as gets all offended! "obviously i really like it or i wouldn't have given it to you! why would you say that?!"

art's ex: get out of here! this is a children's loo!
art: then why are you in here?!

and then the dr. pops up!

or art's ding dong ditch with nicky. "ring the bell and then we'll leg it!" *rings bell* "why did you do that?!"

"that was wicked." how to be is ALIVE.


Does anyone remember the line he spits back at his girlfriend right after she says it?? That was SO funny!

And I LOVE the part where he's bobbing his head with those people and they see him. It's hilarious how he tries to casually move away from them.

Gotta love "choking on dust."

And the thumbs up part...

gahh there are so many!


Does anyone remember the line he spits back at his girlfriend right after she says it?? That was SO funny!

And I LOVE the part where he's bobbing his head with those people and they see him. It's hilarious how he tries to casually move away from them.

these two for me. also that disastrous jam session. lol

so much of it is so funny though...


Hahaha. I'm laughing all over again thinking of all these moments! All of the ones ya'll have mentioned had me laughing. The movie was too funny!

SONICBOOM!KS Mafia #20T~O#158 I~E#9 O~D#27 KBitches#9


i think thats when he says "shut up on your face!" or something along those lines.

seriously, this movie was hysterical. i am so glad i went to see it. i hope it makes it way to dvd. its so awkwardly funny the entire time. i loved when he screamed at his mother after she said repeatedly that she wondered what was wrong with him lol.


LOL I loved that too. I knew he was going to burst soon! She kept saying it!
Aww, man. This movie has so many great moments!

SONICBOOM!KS Mafia #20T~O#158 I~E#9 O~D#27 KBitches#9


what was the "choking on dust." part? i can't remember that one.


it was a line in the first song that was repeated a few times.


Does anyone remember the line he spits back at his girlfriend right after she says it?? That was SO funny!

Do you mean where his gf says "I just don't feel that I'm ready for this kind of commitment" and he goes "No, YOU'RE not ready for this kind of commitment" (showing that he didn't listen and that's exactly what she said) It's just funny to me because it shows the part of his character that is self-absorbed but without realization. It made ME laugh, but I think it passes unnoticed by a lot of people, because when I've watched the film with friends they didn't laugh.


What are some other "inappropriate" things that are in the movie? I'm planning to watch it next month with some of my family, and I don't want it to be too awkward sitting there watching people have sex or something.

That's funny though, saying he has an erection out loud. I'm so excited to see it :D


ALL of these! HAHA, everyone took all of mine. I loved the story on the fear of heart attacks. xD


I have to say the scene where he tries to hug his mom. It's funny, awkward and sad all at once.


What are some other "inappropriate" things that are in the movie? I'm planning to watch it next month with some of my family, and I don't want it to be too awkward sitting there watching people have sex or something.


I don't think there's really anything inappropriate. No sex.


Oh okay thanks a lot :)


Most definitely, the funniest part for my friend and I was the part when Art was playing basketball with the "special" people and he said something like "Come on guys, I'm dominating you."

We died laughing. Also, the part when he went postal on the lamp-post and the tree... good times!


i thought it was funny when art crawled into bed with his parents and then the lamp goes on and the therapist is there.


i havent seen it yet , i have to wait till its on TV at the end of the month, but you guys have me dying with laughter! i can just imagine rob saying and doing all of these things!

“You’re the bell, you’re the princess, this is your day."


Its a good movie, but not really funny. Mostly felt sorry for Art and his pathetic life. But, you Brits have a different type of humor.


when he was trying to hug his mother was hilarious!
also when he was trying to play along and said 'i have an erection', it was so funny!



Ok, I have to say my favorite scenes are first of all, any time the self-help dude pops up. I'm pretty sure the director said something about that they thought it would be funny if he made an appearance at the end of every scene like that, just coming out of nowhere.

All his speeches were pretty funny too - how they didn't make any sense at all. and how he also doesn't get art. during any of their conversations, i can't recall a time where he really directly responds to something Art was saying or asking.. which in turn probably made Art all the more frustrated, LOL. That's actually something that happens in real life though, with older people usually, so I understand it.

When the self-help dudes gives him a piece of CAKE and then right after that he asks "So how is your physical fitness?" LOL.

The jam session. The way Nikki dances is hilarious. And I CRACK the hell up every single time in that scene, when Ronnie is trying to get Art to play guitar and he's like "...Play whatever you want. Do you have free will? Do you have any free will?" while Nikki is in the background just going at it playing his *beep* parts but looking so confident about it

Seriously, I love this movie. I'm a girl but if I were a guy, I'd LOVE to have played this role. I'm almost kind of jealous of Rob because of it! But I guess a lot of people don't think this film is any big deal (which is beyond me), but to me it's one of my favorites because it just combines all the things I love seeing in a film.


I love the part when he goes into his old house, runs up to his old bedroom, has his pacefest in it... Then just crawls into the kids bed. I thought that was hilarious!

I really liked when he was giving himself the peptalk at the end, and the crowd cheering was just an effect on the keyboard!

I'm American, and I loved this film!


Yeah.. I love the kind of, simple humor about it. I don't really like American "stupid" comedy and that slapstick kind of style I guess. Definitely a fan of the dry, sarcastic, they-sound-like-they're-being-serious-but-actually-they're-joking kind of humor :) Those are the best jokes ever because they're subtle and you can laugh or not laugh whenever you want, as opposed to working on a joke so hard in the slapstick humor with the mindset that you need to make the audience laugh here, at this moment - like an expected laugh, where EVERYONE laughs at the same time. Nah, this humor or shall I say humour (love "u"'s actually, so I prefer that, heh) is better, imo.

That bed scene was hilarious. Kid: "Can you get out of my bed?" Art: Keeps talking.. "I wish I was you." Hahaha.


funny parts are

1 When Art putting price tag on the meat then stick his head in meat freeze and letting his drop side

2 Art playing Basketball

3 Art trying to hug his mom

4 Art going nuts on the lamppost and tree

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill


Darkalessa, I think we would get along. All of the parts you listed I was going to list. Those were my favorite parts of the movie.

I am anxiously awaiting the reunion between Michael K. and Tim B.


I loved that scene too!
"I think I'm having a quarter-life crisis" EPIC
and when he stick his head in the supermarket freezer, LMAO, I kept picturing people's face's if I went to the supermarket and did that XD


when Art was beating up the tree and the post....And when that guy in the bar slaps his face... Many funny moments!
