About the real story

I enjoyed this movie, and it does have a timely message. But is there anybody who can tell me how much of the movie was true and what was added in the name of "dramatic interest"?





I'm American so haven't seen the film but remember well the actual incident. American 12 year olds went to Canada for a game and were attacked outside the venue, inside the venue and even during the game...by kids AND ADULTS(that's the part I will never get over), they attacked the bus, screaming antiAmerican slurs and burned a US flag. They did this to American kids, mind you. The continued jeering them during the actual game, with brainwashed Canadian brats shouting antiAmerican things during the game. Then, and I'll never forget reading this part, the freaking Canadian referee joined in in the jeering! They also booed the US anthem.


Try looking at an April 15, 2004, The Boston Globe newspaper story at http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2004/04/15/brockton_team_scores_a_point_for_diplomacy/


I am American and just picked this film up for 5 bucks at my local Walmart. After watching it I did some net research to see how much was added. The idea of one of the Canadian kids being responsible for the Friendship Tourney was really all I saw that was different than the actual story. And maybe the fact that when the American bus crossed into Canada the second time they were actually greeted by a thousand Canadians cheering and welcoming them where as in the movie it was a Canadian Royal Mounted Policeman who met them and welcomed them. There is always changes from reality to film but I don't think the differences here were all that bad.

I liked the film and thought it was done tastefully and interestingly. I for one will be one American that will never visit Montreal. But there are many other parts of Canada that I will see.


"brainwashed Canadian farts"

So Canadians were the ones that were brainwashed? Got it?

How's that war going for you anyways? How many trillions spent? How many lives lost? How many WMDs found? How many links to Al Quaeder?

The fact that those Canadians did that to those American kids is deplorable, but the notion that we were the ones that were brainwashed is laughable.


The old link doesn't exist anymore. Here's another article from 2004.

