MovieChat Forums > Don't Forget the Lyrics! (2007) Discussion > What's with the celeb-reality craze?

What's with the celeb-reality craze?

I really liked this show when it came out, but I stopped watching it because it's on at a bad time...I've got 3 other shows at the same time set with higher priority for my TiVo! With all the season finales being within the last few weeks, I finally caught an episode! All of a sudden, the people on the show are "back up singers" or "managers" for celebrities like "Howerd Stern".

There's all sorts of shows out there that are strictly devoted to celebrities now(usually celebrities who are not to big anymore or people related to or working for current celebrities...but still not your average Joe). These are either shows that were originally created for celebrities (i.e. Dancing with the Stars) or regular reality shows that were converted to only show celebrities (i.e. The Apprentice).

What the hell's happening here? Is this a last resort by the producers to squeeze the last drop out of the whole reality genre? Granted, there are some really great reality shows, like Next Top Model, The Amazing Race and The Biggest Loser that I hope continue for a long time...but I think it's safe to say that the whole reality TV idea has been slowly dying over the last few years; it's nowhere near as popular as it was when Survivor first came out. So, as I said...IS this a final effort to squeeze whatever they can out of what they have left in realityTV?

Ha, guess I wandered a BIT off topic there! But, am I the only one who getting bored with EVERY episode of shows like DFTL, Apprentice, and Smarter than a 5th Grader holding "celebrity" contestents? I know Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune have celebrity episodes...but atleast those are limited to WEEKS. I want to see regular people playing these game shows! Anyone else feel the same way?


My mom feels the same way. She would always complain how much she hates when they have celebrities as the contestants. It doesn't really bother me..

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 07
"Love one another"


Why are people bothered by celebrities participating in Events?

This is A Sig
IMDB...its not fanboard


I don't mind celebrities being guests on game and then. I'm talking about how the newer game shows are nothing BUT celebrities or "big people in high places"; it just doesn't seem like there's any hope for an average person to get on to one of these shows anymore.


Not all of the contestants recently have been celebreality people. But I don't mind those on "Don't Forget the Lyrics."


Love isn't brains, children, it's blood...blood screaming inside you to work its will.
