Save your money

Rent "Punisher Warzone" instead


I agree. Unless you are an alcoholic or addict who is, or has been, in a 12 step recovery program or are a person with a good knowledge of AA or NA, you are not going to get much out of this film. Also, the film has a definite bias against 12 step programs, because it lables the two addicted persons in the film as unable to feel joy or almost any other emotion unless they are "high." This is just not so in real life. Most alcoholics or addicts who have worked their program in a rigorously honest way and have been sober for several years feel just as much emotion as people who can successfully drink alcohol or recreationally use "soft" drugs, not stuff like "crack," methamphetamine, heroin, etc. I don't think there are very many people at all that can use these drugs successfully.

In the film, the young man is portrayed as unable to write poetry unless he is inebriated. That is just preposterous.
