Visual Effects Reel

I found a visual effects reel for this movie. Warning though, it contains HEAVY SPOILERS. As in, spoils the ending.

"IMDB: Where Intelligent Film Discussion Goes To Die" - Scott 'The Foywonder' Foy;


Thanks for posting this link. I read the novel, so I wasn't too worried about spoilers. Besides it might be the most footage I ever get to see, right?!?!
This reel actually looks better than the trailer.

I wish they'd just go ahead and release the movie, even if it was straight to SciFi (SyFy) channel.


I can only echo stephcsz word for word, thank you very very much for posting this!

I also read the book so I wasn't concerned about the spoilers and from what I hear about the distributor, I think this may be the most we will get to see of this movie.

I had heard that AWG has a reputation for NOT releasing a great many of the films they purchase, I hope that is not the case here.

If its not Gone With The Wind, there are still alot of fans of the actors in this movie that will want to see it if only to see their favorite actor is something.

I am disappointed the creaturs look more like lizards than wolves though.


Oh, their movies get released. On the Scifi channel. Oh, sorry, Syfy.

"IMDB: Where Intelligent Film Discussion Goes To Die" - Scott 'The Foywonder' Foy;


Thatns for posting this-at least we can see some of it until it shows up on video or SyFy.
