Funny How...

... Megatron could be resurrected by a tiny shard of the all-spark, but it took a mission to track down the "Matrix of Leadership" to get Optimus back on his feet. Both are "Primes", but one needed only a wee bit of spark to get hopping? I know, I know... Megatron merely had his "energy" taken away from him, and Optimus was "mortally" wounded. I get it, but it's just funny how easily he could be revived, compared.


A sliver of the Allspark had fallen into Sam's possession. The Decepticons learnt of it and went after it, but upon hearing of the shard at NEST thanks to Galloway, they decided to go for that one instead. Sam's Allspark shard was expended to revive Jetfire; it probably should have been used on Prime but as a wanted fugitive who was going to shield or even listen to him? Besides, Optimus probably didn't have a clue what to do even if he was revived; it took Sam to revive Jetfire and get the full history from him, and then decide to put the Matrix, a divine implement of the Primes, to restore Optimus (who then had to get parts from Jetfire to become powerful enough to beat Megatron and the Fallen).

It all makes sense. It's just that it's rather loose and not what one expected/wanted lol.

07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.


Megatron simply needed repairs and Energon. Prime needed his spark reignited. Just plain better than Rotten Tomatoes.


Nobody (but the Decepticons) knew that the Shard could revive a robot.

< Bayformers, there's More to it Than Meets the Eye... >
