Is This A Joke About Obama's Policy?

In the first Transformers movie they didn't reveal who the President of the U.S. was (Which I think is a good thing in certain movies), merely the Secretary of Defense. Then in the second movie, the "President" appoints that jackass Galloway to NEST who pretty much says "Yeah, you've helped save Earth a couple times before from those Decepticons who want to wipe out humanity, and since it seems like Earth could be attacked by them fairly soon, we want to make sure we can kick you out."
I thought Wow, either the President doesn't realize how big an ass this guy is or he IS the ass! However, I didn't really take much notice after that, until the big invasion starts and the first thing the President orders is the Autobots to stand down while humanity fights the FRIGGIN ALIEN ROBOTS FROM SPACE BY THEMSELVES!!!!! Lennox says something along the lines of "What're you going to do, hand over the kid?" And Galloway replies "We're looking at every option." Also, during the scene with the Decepticons hacking the TVs it shows Obama and says "President Obama is being flown to a bunker."
As soon as it was confirmed, I almost screamed I KNEW IT!!! What I want to know is, was Bay making a conscious remark about Obama's policy or something? I half expected the clips during the credits to consist of Obama saying to a press conference "After using every weapon and assett available to the United States, I have managed to defeat the Decepticons. If only the Presidents past could have been as prepared to battle such a threat as I..."

Then Lennox walks into the room covered in battle scars and punches that sucker in the face.

Strike First, Strike Fast, And Get Away Clean


You're very clearly projecting.

The movie wrapped filming before the election. Everything about Obama was either also filmed with alternate takes in case McCain (or Clinton) won or else was simply added in post-production once the results were in. Whoever won the election STILL would have been the one to ask the Autobots if they'd leave peacefully and to intend to turn over Sam, so it might just as easily have been a warhawk Republican making that call and to assume it was a dig at Obama is misguided at best.

Furthermore, suggesting that the president was not identified in the first film is just was Bush and we all knew it the second we heard him. AND it's clearly stated that HE ended up in a bunker during the first film too, btw.


Are we through with your Red State vs. Blue State crap here yet?



I think the guys making these movies are Republicans. They're always sneaking in Republican talking points, the same way Democrat filmmakers are always sneaking in little things here and there.


Such as?


Warhawk Republican? Fail. Who has continued massive drone attacks on Al-Qaeda and killed many others, including:

http: // /v/ 1191817633001/ predator-drones-take-out-al-awlaki

And what about Osama? The democrat President had to put his stamp of approval on his killing.

Triple Fail.

I realize you posted this two months ago, but that does not excuse your blatant disregard for the truth. President Bill Clinton - look up how many Serbs and Kosovonians he bombed and killed.


AS AMERICANS DEBATE what President Clinton’s legacy should be, too little attention is given to his remarks on Kosovo. The United States launched a war against a European nation largely at Clinton’s behest. Clinton’s war against Serbia epitomized his moralism, his arrogance, his refusal to respect law, and his fixation on proving his virtue by using deadly force, regardless of how many innocent people died in the process.

Clinton claimed on March 24, 1999, that one purpose of bombing Serbia (including Kosovo) was “to deter an even bloodier offensive against innocent civilians in Kosovo and, if necessary, to seriously damage the Serbian military’s capacity to harm the people of Kosovo.” The CIA had warned the Clinton administration that if bombing was initiated, the Serbian army would greatly accelerate its efforts to expel ethnic Albanians. The White House disregarded this warning and feigned surprise when mass expulsions began.

http: // freedom/ 0101e.asp

Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail.


WTF does ANY of that have to do with my post OR this discussion, exactly?




If you actually go back and look at the first movie, it is pretty obvious that the President is Bush when that small transformer Frenzy sneaks aboard Air Force One.
