MovieChat Forums > Life as We Know It (2010) Discussion > This can't happen in real life can it?

This can't happen in real life can it?

Does anyone know if something like this can legally happen?

On a sidenote, I was pleasantly surprised about this movie. Was better than I expected.


Technically yes! But really dumb!



Absolutely, it can. If my family wasn't appropriate guardians and the best people for my child were two people who were single, I wouldn't have a problem setting up a situation like this. But then, I would've informed them beforehand and not just let a lawyer dump it on them in the reading of the will. Then again, they were mentioned in the beginning of the movie as being Sophie's godparents and the very definition of a godparent is someone who will be there if something happens to the parents.


exactly. Is that not the role of a godparent? whats the point in "naming" godparents if they wont actually take over the role in tragic situations.


The point of a godparent is to oversee a child's spiritual upbringing and to basically be a role model. A godparent is under no legal obligation to "take over" in the event of a "tragic situation", nor would they have any legal right to.




Actually a godparent provides spiritual guidance for the child. In no way or form (legally or not) are they expected to care for the child in the event the parents die. Usually a family member would take over as a guardian.


That's techniqually the role of a Godparent like they were. My friend has told me she wants me to be the godparent of her daughter when she is born and if something, god forbid, happened to her or her other half and their family's couldn't take her in for some reason I would totally take her in.

It’s immortality, my darlings



If anyone watches Grey's Anatomy, Meridith was going to make Cristina her kids Godmother in case her and Derek died in a car crash, and then Cristina hoped they would so she could "raise the kid right."



On the other hand, they wouldn't have a social worker though. Whoever is named in a parent's will is the person who becomes the guardian if they accept it. Most parents name two to three individuals.

I know my parents listed me first for my younger sister, my aunt second, and my grandmother third. I've always been listed first but I'm only 19 now, so previously (before I turned 18) my sister and I would have gone to my aunt and then my sister would have been my responsibility when I was 18, but I probably would have ended up with dual-parenting at that point.

Also. The house. I'm sure that the house was passed down to the daughter and NOT the guardians named, but since they are the guardians and children can't really inherit property until 18, they would have had control over it, but as soon as that little girl turns 18, she can kick out Messer and Heigle.


they would have had control over it, but as soon as that little girl turns 18, she can kick out Messer and Heigle

and then they could have simply sold it. Don't forget that they're putting in their own money and MUCHO time! - Could not simply throw them out...


My life is somewhat like this but instead of godparents raising me it was my grandparents, Although my godparents did try but my mom died when I was very young and then two years later my dad had passed away as well.... My mother died when I was four years old and I then lived with my dad who rebounded very quick and took on children who werent even his and had already knocked up his new lady. I was with him for about a year, So around the age of five my grandparents had finally won custody of me. My dad was a shady person and to this day it was believed he had some fault in the car accident that took my mothers life. When my mom passed away my "godparents" tried to get me but my dad wouldnt allow it and he then started to keep me away from anyone associated to my mother thus is why my grandparents stepped forward to take sole custody. At the age of 6, My dad died in a car accident and my godparents asked my grandparents if I could live with them but they said no, but they were welcome to be in my life and see me and have as much contact with me as they liked.


Im surprised that Hollya nd Messer wouldn't have had to sign something before stating they were ok with it.

We accept the love we think we deserve


You can list anyone you want. If and when it becomes necessary, they can always decline. If you remember, they were trying to find someone else to take her, Sophies grandfather or a cousin. Just because your named as the desired guardians doesn't mean you have to accept.
