The pediatrician

Oh come on! Dreamy doctor vs obnoxious annoying man. Why on earth didn't she stay with the pediatrician?



... because she loved obnoxious annoying man?


I agree. I would have picked the pediatrician. Nice guy, intelligent, and good looking.


I actually thought the pediatrician was a bit of a jerk. Why the hell did he never ask her out before her ran into again when she took the baby in for a checkup? He obviously got her phone call shortly before she learned of her friends' death and then too if he was seriously interested in her why didn't he ask her out outright that day at the bakery when he rather jokingly offered to buy her dinner. That was as bad as Messner's talking to his old girlfriend while on the phone at the start of the (aborted) blind date. Don't lead someone on if you're not going follow up.


I agree. It seems he just saw an opportunity, once Messer was out of the picture, to bide his time with her and have someone to roll around in the sack with until something better came along. Otherwise he wouldn't have bowed out so easily once messer returned.


I could never understand how could any woman choose someon over Josh Lucas. Unbelievable.
