Very underrated and misunderstood

Wow. Talk about loaded with symbolism. There's an interview with Heath Ledger on the DVD for this movie and in it you can idea of just how close him and Terry Gilliam had gotten through out the recent years (from starring in the brothers Grimm movie). He talks about him as though he were family. This and other interviews with Gilliam on top of the esoteric symbolism galore, it is impossible for me to not view this film without believing it does have something to do with Ledgers REAL LIFE death. If you're interested in esoteric/occult/ancient mysteries and symbolism and also recall the oddities around Ledgers death, and then see all this rich symbolism (involving Ledger) in the film, I don't know how you could not see a connection.


this !


No no no and no. I don't think this film had anything to do with Heath Ledger's death. Other than the fact that he overworked himself, Gilliam let him do so, and then when he got to NYC he mixed the wrong cocktail to set himself straight. It's not always good to believe in magic, heh?

But um yeah it's an under-rated movie. As far as misunderstood, I don't know if I understand the movie and I've seen it 10 times and talked about it for years with people on here. lol. It's more important if something makes you think, than if it made you think some specific thing and then you just moved on and stopped thinking. Dig? This movie activates imagination and the brain, it's not designed to have a "message." It's designed to be kind of like those M.C. Escher paintings where your brain goes into this loop trying to imagine yourself running up and down those stairs in a circle forever.

p.s. some people used to argue that Escher's work wasn't "art" because it was based on trickery. They also said that about Melies' films.

Did I not love him, Cooch? MY OWN FLESH I DIDN'T LOVE BETTER!!! But he had to say 'Nooooooooo'
