MovieChat Forums > Desert Flower (2009) Discussion > Scene when baby Waris is mutilated

Scene when baby Waris is mutilated

That part is so heart breaking. Even though it is faked for the movie, just seeing that baby scream and cry so hard was emotionally draining. I wonder how they made that scene so real looking.

I'm so glad I was born in America.


I agree. How do you make a child cry and scream so realistically? It worries me.

No TV and no beer make Homer something--something!!
Go Crazy?
Don't mind if I do!!!


Every baby cries. I suspect they recorded her or someone else crying and while she was wriggling,they play the recording,Samgee? Babies cry if the light is too brigh,the air is too cold,their clothes are taken off,bath time,they see a bearded man,and they cry way way worse than that. You don't have kids.


Gee wiz- America is so far down on the list of infant and Maternal health care-go look it up. You should be ashamed. Kids in Appalachia are starving and illiterate. Louisiana is pathetic. Their school system gives child abuse a good name. California? Fallen so far it's ridiculous.Why? Republicans won't speak with Democrats and don't care about minorities. In Europe,Companies(-many have and the rest are following suit-) have been told they must have 40% of their Board of Directors be Female. Realize-women make up 53% of the population.Why are seats of power nearly always 99% male? Old Europe? In a pig's eye. Female prime ministers are so "yesterday's news" that we are surprised to find out that it is standard practice in Sweden and Germany and Denmark,etc.In the U.S? There are still T.V. shows discussing older patients reacting to having a a black Doctor.Are we in the 50's? I was born in -JUST post war Austria-a few kilometres from a concentration camp-Mauthausen.I still had better health care -and no circumcision.I con only add,I wish I'd stayed in Austria,but thanks to a spineless American President-Eisenhower-I lost that chance,and the Russians chased us out and moved us to this place. Not my choice.

