Into the Wild Green Yonder Grade: C

I didn't really like this film and it's painful to say because Futurama is my all time favorite show. I own all the dvds, and the movies, but this last film was terrible. I think #1, and #3 were the best. TBWABB was horribly unfunny, and this last film .... wtf?! It was too slapsticky, too reminiscent of a modern day crappy Simpsons episode. Futurama is a thousand times better than the Simpsons on its worst day, but this film does not help matters. The whole "Dark Ones" thing was corny. What happened to the Nibblonians? Did Dwight and Cubert get left behind? What about the disjointed romance of Fry and Leela? They should have waited a while after Bender's Big Score before making three more films, which are only so-so at best.

Bender's Big Score Grade: A+
The Beast With a Billion Backs Grade: C-
Bender's Game Grade: A-

Futurama Series Grade: A-


No one can be this cute and not be evil...


Futurama Into The Wild Green Yonder was the best futurama movie that there was.

I will rate the 4 futurama movies from my favorite to my least favorite.

Into The Wild Green Yonder
Benders Big Score
Benders Game
A Beast of A Billion Backs.


"What happened to the Nibblonians? Did Dwight and Cubert get left behind? "

why do people keep asking these questions? who the hell cares about dwight and cubert? certrainly not me. and the niblonials. yah sure they were a major factor in a FEW episodes and benders game, but they are not the focal point of the show.

i thought green yonder was the best of the 4 movies.

people seem to think that futurama is some sort of historical documenty and MUST have EVERY SINGLE detail PINPOINT accurate and precise.

its a CARTOON people. some things dont need to make sense!! this concept alone has been a big joke in both simpsons and futurama.

-Argueing on the net is like the special Olympics, Even if you win, you're still retarded.
