Futurama Actors?

How do actors of futurama get paid when their movies go straight to dvd?

How much money does futurama actors get paid to act in futurama straight to dvd movies?


it depends on the sales. im sure they get a set amount, and then so much percentage of the sales.

and FYI they are VOICE actors. theres a big difference.

-Argueing on the net is like the special Olympics, Even if you win, you're still retarded.


No there isn't and no they don't.

Actors almost NEVER get payed a percentage based on how well a film performs, especially not outside of independant films.

They most likely recieve the same amount of pay as they did for 4 episodes because of how these films went into production. I'm afraid I don't know what their fee for each episode was either.

Really? Worst film you ever saw? Well, my next one will be better. Hello? Hello?

