Not the end of Futurama

Good news everyone futurama starting somewhere in June 2010 will be showing 26 episodes which will as 2 seasons to air on Comedy Central.

What happens after these 26 futurama episodes air is a mystery to me but the good news is that 20th century fox uncancelled futurama so who knows what the future holds for futurama.




Nobody cares after the last movie. Like I'm really going to wait until next summer to find out how my Manwich is doing?

This show built a bus, walked out into the street, and then ran over itself.


OrangeCatholic are you a futurama fan?


Yes. Hold, girdle, hold.


Apparently, the wormhole takes them straight back to Earth but kills everyone but Fry and Farnsworth in a fiery crash. Farnsworth then sets about resurrecting the rest of the characters.

"I think the idea of art kills creativity." --Douglas Adams
