Confused about tin-foil hat

Question: Did Fry's tinfoil hat protect him from Bender's government-sponsored wiretap? (FYI, the reason people wear tinfoil hats, is to protect from government spying.)

Did it work?

Also, from what I remember, Fry already saved the universe, with his lack of Delta brain-wave patterns, in the episode Giant Brains. Can the writers come up with anything other than Fry saving the universe?

As for saving the universe:

Didn't the PlanEx crew do that as recently as the Beast with a Billion Backs (just last year)?

Also, what propulsion system was the Nimbus using, to give chase to Leela, after losing the back half of the ship?

As to the Wong family...

If Mr. Wong is evil, will he be dead in future episodes? Do we get to see Amy cry at his funeral?

And if not, does Futurama exist in some kind of parallel facist universe where evil people are kept alive on purpose?

These are just a few questions from watching the first half. My understanding from reading these boards, is that nothing from this movie is explained, it just keeps getting more confusing.


They explain Amy's dad, but it's just one sentence.

The dark creatures talk to him in his head

And planet express didn't save the universe in beast with a billion backs, the thing on the other side didn't want to harm anyone


no no no, there was no "universe saving" at all in BWaBB. All living beings went to live with Yevo and Bender came to "rescue" them. You people over-think this too much.


Fry's hat wasn't supposed to protect him from government spying, it was to stop him from hearing everyone's thoughts, since it was driving him crazy. The others wear them for both stopping other's thoughts, and protecting their own thoughts from being read. Fry's Delta brainwave means his thoughts can't be read, and he just uses it to not go [more] crazy.

Taking the movie too seriously leads to this kind of thing. Sure, Futurama tends to have a lot of plot continuity and threads usually get tied up at the end, but really, it's just an animated comedy at heart.

"I will not succumb to temptation, unless she's cute."


"And if not, does Futurama exist in some kind of parallel facist universe where evil people are kept alive on purpose?"

LOL, "parallel" universe. Yes. Hmm.
