Number Nines original meaning

Cant remember where I read it but it said that initially Futuramas writers had a completley different intention in mind for the Number Nine mans regular appearances in the backround, Anyone have any theories or knows what was originaly planned for Number Nine (BTW Prior to BBS I never seen him wear any "mad fellow" foil hat)? Felt like a bit of an anticlimax after he was finally given some proper screen time, I always assumed that he was going to turn out to be Fry from even further in the future or sommat- Did they even explain the signifigance of the "9" on his shirt?

"Yes Trevor call Mr Jolly, Everyone loves Mr Jolly, Mr Jolly will make everything alright Mr Jolly!"


The original idea was that the 31st century had a stict caste system and that the # 9 people were basically zombie drones.
