buy it dickheads!

hey you giant pieces of crap that download this movie... buy it instead! fox is not going to base it's descision of whether or not to do more futurama on little dickhead thieves that steal this movie online.

you actually nerd to go... sorry... need to go and spend the equivalent of a fast food dinner and a movie and buy it.

i don't get someone who loves this show and wants it to succeed and then goes and steals it.


All movies are downloaded by a fair amount of people, it's not something new, and Fox won't be shocked to learn that this movie, just like any other movie, must have been downloaded. I'm pretty much sure the company takes that aspect into account when they assess the popularity of a franchise... dickhead.


you're an idiot on top of being a dickhead... fox wants money. that's where the decision is based. don't steal... either you or anyone else. buy it, support the show, be like leela not bender... and kiss my shiny metal ass!


besides, if futurama comes back, it will most likely be on comedy central, since they are airing the eps at the moment



I bought the Blu-Ray. Shut up. All I am saying is that upon EVERY movie release, the company KNOWS it's gonna be downloaded plenty, and they take that into account BEFORE releasing the said movie. Movie downloading is not going away anytime soon and Fox executives know that way better than you or me. Unless you work for Fox and have interests in the company, your original post is just useless and I'm pretty much sure that Fox executives would tell you how useless and pointless it is if they were here. Oh, and also because that's none of your business. Movies are gonna be downloaded whether you like it or not, and whether we're talking of the best movie of the year or some underground movie with a budget of 1000$.

It's been said that Fox was pleased of the sales of the 3 first movies. Do you think the movies haven't been downloaded? And do you think Fox doesn't know?


You really can't base your decision to download it and not buy it on that kind of logic. It's still ethically wrong. Plus most movies you download aren't playing such a big role in the future of a franchise that needs big sales numbers to survive. For every person that buys it instead of downloading it (or in addition to downloading it), Futurama looks that much better.

That's like saying "I don't need to vote, a certain percentage of people aren't expected to vote, and my party has taken that into account." Then everybody thinks that way and Gore loses. I mean your candidate loses.


Buy a tickle me Bender Doll if it ever get released!

Quit touching my junk Pervert!


I would totally buy a Tickle Me Bender doll

Well that's absurd. People are bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr. Kelso, Scrubs


if i'm not a DICKHEAD, can i still buy it???
yes i did watch my friend's downloaded copy ahead of time
but i always buy the movie later b/c


if you (you being you or the general you as in everyone) download it before or after buying it... then you shall not be labeled dickhead... and life for you will be free of dickheady badness


if you download instead of buying then dickhead it shall be from now and until the day your little slimy thievery hands and eyes cease to function as part of being a human being and any machine-like or severed head-like thing afterward. and even after your pathetic life ends and your eyes and hands or any part of you are transferred to another being... then those organs will themselves be dickheads... unless it's your actual dickhead... which will be then known as a noodle to indicate the type of slimy weak limp thing that you are.

so to review:
1) download then buy it = no dickhead
2) buy it then download it = no dickhead
3) download it and don't buy it = dickhead
4) in case of choice 3) whole part of you is dickhead except real dickhead which is noodle

my original idea still holds true though... if you are a fan... buy it and don't download instead... fox bases it's decision on money not downloads. some companies might looks at ilegal downloads to understantd the popularity of a franchise but in this case it's very specific to sales... for this to continue it needs to sell.


Where does Renting figure into your "dickhead logic?"


renting is not stealing so i think it's not dickheadiness

the question is who would steal futurama in futurama?

bender yes
fry yes
leela no
zoidberg yes
amy no
proffesor no
zap brannigan yes
hermes no
kif no


professor no? He's one of the least ethical characters on the whole show, I think. I think Scruffy would, if he didn't have to get up to do it.


Bender is definitely a dickhead:


LOL 'Downloading Often Is Terrible'.

It really makes me laugh when people act all high and mighty when it comes to illegal downloading.

Goooofball, you claim that downloading a film without paying for it, is stealing. You need to make the distinction between 'theft' and 'copyright infringment'. Illegal downloading is not stealing because the individual does not remove the film/album/game from the company's possession, they only make a copy of it. The company doesn't lose any money but they don't gain any either.

If you download 300 films for free but still buy 100 films on DVD at full price, isn't that better for the film industry than if you had nothing to do with them at all? If I couldn't download PC games illegally to make sure they work and run okay before I buy them in a shop, I'd have nothing to do with PC gaming. It's a necessary evil.

Developers decide to release their products on digital media and then complain about piracy but they don't seem to understand that the concept of modern computing (and the digital era) is built around the idea of free data sharing. That's like building a house out of ice and then complaining when it melts. What did you think was going to happen?

Goooofball, if I were you I'd take another look at this issue indepth because it's nowhere near as clear cut as you make it out to be.


my god... (btw: there is no god except for the one bender met) it's just stealing man... you know it. i know it. we all know it. if you think stealing if fine... then whatever. go and steal and be happy with yourself. it's funny that stealing something digitally is morally ok but physically it's not.


i don't think scruffy would

you're right about the professor... sometimes... depends on his mood

nibbler and the niblonians... no
clamps... yes
elzar... i don't think so
robot santa... definitely not
robot devil... duh
richard nixon's head... duh
hypnotoad... no
tinny tim... no
al gore... most definitely not



He's full of *beep* and he smells like it too.




in the immortal words of william shakespeare's head... thou who smelt it... dealt it


i downloaded it a week before it was released.

and then when it was released i bought it on blu ray.
and then the day after it was released i bought it on blu ray for my friends b-day
and then 2 days after that i bought it on dvd casue i wanted more of those postcards

is that dickheaded?

Seth MacFarlane is the only real joke Family Guy ever had



I don't know why, though. It just is. I'm sorry.



Unfortunately, it is not distributed in my country, so downloading is the only option.


I never buy a movie if I haven't seen for free first, 'cos I actually like to know what I'm spending my money on (same goes for games, music etc.) And yes, I do spend money on movies I find entertaining. But if downloading movies makes me morally corrupt or something, then be it


you kow what you are... at least you have that going for you


so let's say you steal something first to judge weather or not it's worthy of your ownership... you view or listen to the stolen piece and get some entertainment out of it... some enjoyment... just not enough to purchase... what is it then? is that stealing? you got something out of it... right?

you obviously feel a sense of entitlement.

where does that come from?

and from this entitlement would you have a problem stealing a dvd or music cd from a store... hiding it under your coat... and then viewing or listening to it? so you can judge? and if it's not worthy of you money then you'd return it? is that ok too?

and i guess you just walk into a movie theater and say... "listen... i'm not gonna pay you for this... but i'm gonna view the film and if i get enough entertainment value from it i will give you money... but if this film fails me in any way then *beep* you guys... you aren't getting a dime" is this how it works in your life?



I have been astounded by the lengths of rationalization some thieves how gone to justify to themselves the act of theft. Only a few thieves have openly admitted that downloading a movie that was illegally uploaded is a crime. Most thieves simply fool themselves that nothing is wrong with the act.

I truly do not understand how a person becomes so amoral.

Just for the record, I have purchased every DVD, and now Blu-ray, release of Futurama.

Get lost in the world. Destiny Calls.



by - alex8039 on Wed Apr 8 2009 23:37:11
Downloading a movie from the internet is identical to borrowing a DVD from a friend. And to one up it, I pay for my internet download usage so I am paying for the uploaded video.
If telling yourself that fable is what lets you sleep at night...

having no moral standards, restraints, or principles; unaware of or indifferent to questions of right or wrong
(emphasis mine)

Get lost in the world. Destiny Calls.



Downloading a movie from the internet is identical to borrowing a DVD from a store. And to one up it, I pay for my gasoline to get there so I am paying for the uploaded video.

Rationalization to ignore the fact that it's still thievery.

Get lost in the world. Destiny Calls.



by - alex8039 on Thu Apr 9 2009 22:35:47
There is not a single valid reason for piracy to be immoral apart from there being a law against it. Try to come up with a single one, and I can refute it.
I am certain you can refute every valid reason to consider piracy to be immoral. Someone unaware of or indifferent to questions of right or wrong can not be convinced otherwise.

Get lost in the world. Destiny Calls.



by - alex8039 on Fri Apr 10 2009 19:54:08
Stop with the ad hominem attacks and try to at least justify your morality. I guess you can't, you're just a tool who believes piracy is like stealing a car or a purse.
Wikipedia's definition is: Ad hominem argument is most commonly used to refer specifically to the ad hominem abusive, or argumentum ad personam, which consists of criticizing or attacking the person who proposed the argument (personal attack) in an attempt to discredit the argument.

I have not attacked anyone with names such as tool, stupid prick, idiot or sucks corporate penis. That is an ad hominem attack that ignores the fact the piracy is illegal. Anyone who believes himself or herself to be above or outside of the law is amoral. It's a simple matter of the definition of the word.

Why does it upset you so to read that?

Get lost in the world. Destiny Calls.




It matters not how I respond. You are wiser than any law maker or enforcer. You have decided you are above the law. You have the RIGHT to steal income from others. You are the only person so without substance that I have placed you on ignore.

Get lost in the world. Destiny Calls.



those anti-piracy messages thrown on to every dvd have managed to brainwash TheCheezWhiz's fragile mind.


Do you ever see a film in the theatre?


yes. do you steal dvd's from video stores?

and remember the point of this thread is paying for a movie/series we mostly want to succeed and have more of... and the only way is to spend money on it and not steal it from stores or online


Why not take your logic and go one step further?

You do realise that anytime you buy a DVD second hand, the producer doesn't see a penny of what you pay.

Why don't you lock up any person who buys a DVD from a friend instead of buying their own brand new copy from a retailer? After all, they're screwing the producer out of their pay.

Why not force second hand retailers and charity shops to go out of business as well? The people who work there probably have families and orphans to feed, but who gives a *beep* right?

Let me ask you something Goooofball, you retarded, condescending piece of *beep*

Have you ever bought a DVD second hand?

'Cos if you have you've earned yourself a place in the dickhead hall of fame.


ha... you can't make stealing sound noble no matter how hard you try

the point of the post which you are too stupid to understand apparently... is that buying it now instead of stealing it is best if you want to see more futurama

if you don't... then go steal it... people steal all the time... and if you are one of these people then fine... too many morons in this world to stop them all

but the point of the post is to hopefully get some futurama fans who love the show to not steal it and buy it so hopefully we get more

are you really that stupid that you can't figure that out? more sales = more futurama

are you poor because of the economy and can't afford 18 bucks?
are you cheap?
are you just immoral about all things or just stealing?



Giiiiitball! Your argument has become so lame it's embarrassing!


I just downloaded it... HA HA Dick Head! The Futurmma producers aren't getting my money. "F" them. They are rich already. I like the show but I have the right to see whatever I want to see. TV should be free.

And I'm gonna share the file with all my friends. :-)


I usually only buy things that are worth the money, and I've been disappointed so far with the last 3 fututama dvd movies that I've bought. So, nah, I'm not going to buy this one, F.U. for trying to make me.

Aside from the fact that these movies are twice as much as the average DVD, the writing is sub-par and at times its worse than the crap that the simpsons put out these days.


the only thing worse than the simpsons is crap under your foot and the futurama movies


man theres a lot of hostility here.

i see everyones point. if you like it, but it. cause that means more chance of futurama coming back. and so i did that. i bought it 3 times. but i also downloaded it.

"pirating makes a copy of the original. stealing REMOVES the original."

-Argueing on the net is like the special Olympics, Even if you win, you're still retarded.



kiss my ass *beep*

come and get me.

