MovieChat Forums > Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder (2009) Discussion > Recently I realized something about the ...

Recently I realized something about the ending...

Hermes and his wife were there on the ship when it went into the wormhole, but I don't believe their son was on it. I don't think the Professor's clone was, either. Presumably, they were left alone on Earth without their parents- maybe permanently, since, as the Professor says, there's no knowing whether they'll ever return. So why do Hermes and his wife and the Professor cheer going through the wormhole when it might practically make their children orphans?


Maybe it's because they were both pretty annoying characters from the get-go and they were just as happy to be done with them.

"I hope that someday we can put away our fears & prejudices and just laugh at people."


They were going to be there; but then they realised that another character said that there were no children present so they were left out of the final cut. So yeah; I wonder whats going to happen to them; I think I would've just cut the "there's no children present" line instead of making the two orphans.

Turk: Do we look fat?
Carla: No, we look beatiful baby


Because nobody cares about those two characters, that's why.

I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs



"Because nobody cares about those two characters, that's why."'s not "soooooo true", as mentioned by a previous poster, it was because a character mentioned that there were no children, of which is why they intentionaly left them (Cuebert & Hermie's son) out of the final scene. It was stated in the DVD commentary from David X. Cohen.



ahahaha i was post the same


Honestly I do not think this is the end of Futurama and the writers wanted to leave it as open as possible without guaranteeing anything. So in turn they left a great deal of loose ends open for more.

Also Futurama is full of a ridiculous amount of plot holes. Half the time purposely done.


If you watch the commentaries for the first episode Cuthbert arrives, he was originally meant to be a plot device to point out all the holes in continuity and logic.

Besides like Hermes or the Professor ever were caring parents.

Red team
Because if The Matrix has taught us anything, blue is for quitters.
