Honestly, I wanted more out of this

Since this was almost the last Futurama forever, I wanted a lot more then what I got. Bender's Game was funny and wrapped up a plot point while Bender's Big Score went back and forth through the show's impeccable continuity to create something awesome.

This on the other hand was a lame, over preachy story with a convoluted plot and not nearly enough wackiness. We get it, we should hug a tree but lesson are you teaching us exactly? Respect women? The environment? Crazy people? Or should we only respect the nice parts of the environment since it turned out that the evil land developer technically saved the day by murdering an entire species at the very beginning of the movie.

Despite a few minor high points, it rang hollow.


"This on the other hand was a lame, over preachy story with a convoluted plot and not nearly enough wackiness. We get it, we should hug a tree but lesson are you teaching us exactly? Respect women? The environment? Crazy people? Or should we only respect the nice parts of the environment since it turned out that the evil land developer technically saved the day by murdering an entire species at the very beginning of the movie."

Were the movies your first viewing of Futurama? Because more than half the series dealt with conservation issues in some fashion or another.

Idiots think analysis is magic. Michael Bay ruined those individuals' childhoods.


You didn't address the fact that the story was so convoluted that it made it really quite uninteresting to watch. Conservation is fine, but I watch Futurama to be entertained, and this was not entertaining. Some of the conservation episodes were...this one, not so much.


"the story was so convoluted that it made it really quite uninteresting to watch."

Maybe it's a generational thing. The story was quite easy to follow for people who grew up on science fiction. Dark matter gone...Fry can read minds...real simple.

Idiots think analysis is magic. Michael Bay ruined those individuals' childhoods.


Oh, I followed it just fine, it was just incredibly boring. It might have been screwed up because of the way they chop up the stories to fit into episodes (big example: Bender and Mob-Bot's wife), but it just didn't have the incredible flow of story that Bender's Big Score did...but then the beauty of that one...to compare it to the other movies just isn't fair, they simply can't compare. That one had so much punch.

And as far as sci-fi goes, I've seen it all. I can handle complicated stories if they hold me, I followed Lost from start to finish and did like the ending of that. The characters there were fantastic. Mr. Wong as a villain was just stupid, I can only handle so much of his one-dimensional character.


"Oh, I followed it just fine, it was just incredibly boring."

You confuse boring with convoluted then. If you find it boring, fine, but it's not convoluted by any stretch.

"I followed Lost from start to finish and did like the ending of that."

LOST is far from being complicated, it is also not science-fiction.

"Mr. Wong as a villain was just stupid, I can only handle so much of his one-dimensional character."

He's no more one-dimensional than any other villain on Futurama or The Simpsons.

Idiots think analysis is magic. Michael Bay ruined those individuals' childhoods.

