Funniest parts

Morcs, definitely. Haha I didnt get it at first, i was more confused than anything but then i thought about morc and mindy, oh that was good.


For some reason(probably because i love zoidberg) my favorite part was when he says to leelah: You're parents forced you to study medicine! When all you wanted was to be a songanddance-man! Ladadadadaj Lideladelidelej" and starts to cry.. could listen to that singing all day..


yeah that was pretty funny that part, im pretty sure that is an ode to the late Andy Kaufman.


I thought it had quite a few laugh out loud moments compared to the other movies.

I loved the jetsons robot saying she killed the dog and elroy :D



Bender has gone nuts....also smell this milk!

Quick, to the geysirs!
Can it wait?
Yes...yes, it can


I loved when Zoidburg said "I think I know what the problem is. You have a skull lodged in your head". LMAO


*Sigh* "You're absolutely right, doctor. Can the collar come off now?"

Haha. :)


ummm. That's one I didn't get. What's with the milk?

My fav, btw, is the fried munchkin. Because it's a double reference:
1. Munchkins from The Wizard of Oz
but also
2. Munchkins are RPG players obsessed with stats and power, not roleplaying

Also Yellow Submarine sequence and Leela pain-pleasure theme. The last one is kinda kinky, too :)

And the small things, too... Like
"Therefore, we will no longer provide complimentary porno magazines in the lounge.
Scruffy: Darn it."

One joke I find off-putting, though. The one where they burn the ent.


"ummm. That's one I didn't get. What's with the milk?"

It's a running gag. Fry's so busy trying to figure out of the milk's bad or not that he even asks the sewer mutants to smell it while Bender's on the rampage.


the burning of treedledum, LMAO


Relaxation Time, why isn't that utilised in this day and age?

My fave film is Garden State, but don't hold that against me.



I was blinded by love.....and later scorpion venom!
"I'm blind!!!"


I could wish my ass were made of ice cream but that don't make me a hot fudge sundae.

Get away from me, flying avacado!

The OCD robot maid from the Jetsons was great. "That's why the dog had to die. Dirty dirty. Same for little Elroy".


God's most humble creature, The Tyrannosaurus Rex.


'Leela' going over her plan to get the keys to the ship back into 'Prof. Farnsworth's stomach & 'Zoidberg' proclaimed': "What? So I cut him open for nothing?" & throws his organs back into the gaping body.

Celebrating somebody's birthday is like reminding the mothers the pain they'd rather forget.


Hehe, Loved this part especially with the lil alien scream :D

But i also love the KillBots

"Continue Firing Men!"
"What did you say!"
"What did he say!"
"Hey What are you guys talking about!"


Zoidberg. stuffing his face at Leela's parents house.

Amy the Whore.

The insane robot asylum.

Fry enjoying his ride on Leela.

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead


Practically everything that Roberto said.

You're not made of Tuesday!

I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs


Roberto is high on my list of favorite Futurama characters. Every thing he says is golden!


I enjoyed the quick sight gags.

Deer on the glass
Chicken chimes in
White Rabbit


Despite the lack of a complex plot, this one definatly had me laughing more than the others. It was amazing to re-see the robot asylum as previously mentioned, ecpecially the suport group. "Change places?!" and Rosie talking about how the dog and son in the jetsons were both too "dirty" and had to be taken care of.

"You can't MoCap a MoCap! There's just too many balls!" - VG awards 2007.


''Way to ruin the franchise, Bakula!''
