fry and leela

why hasnt leela realized that they are suppose to be together

they almost kissed on the titanic
she fell for him when he had the worms
they got married in the alternate universe
they got married during the time skips
and they almost got married in big score

im probably missing some other stuff but im sure those are big signs that say they
should be together



Dont forget how she felt for him in The Sting, even if she was in coma


because writers know its a classic tv show mistake to have the lose the sexual tension by having two characters ACTUALLY hook up, instead of just hinting at it. it is prolly in the top ten of shows jumping the shark. audiences liked to be teased, and no matter how they may protest, get bored when a couple is just together and happy.

Here lies Dobby, a Free Elf.
Chuck Norris' boggart is Neville Longbottom.


thats very true but its frustrating!!! lol
Justice For Dalek Fred,Scared man and Drunkman


too true! It always gets to me whenever I see the worm's episode for that reason..especially at the end when Fry makes that crude version of Leela on the holophone/flute-thingy and smiles softly to himself.

You're right about this as a TV show mistake... "Moonlighting" comes to mind as the classic example :P



You mean like on Boy Meets World, when corey and the girl friend finally gets married?

