MovieChat Forums > Rovdyr (2008) Discussion > What kind of horror is this?

What kind of horror is this?

Is it a "monster" hunting people, or is it people hunting people?
Meaning, is it supernatural or not? Anybody know?



Sounds interesting. And I love the idea that it`s set in the 70`s. Yes, Norweigian Horror movies tend to suck big time, though Fritt Vilt was a decent norweigian slasher. It`s just that why can`t they try and come up with something new. Seems like every little horror film being made for the moment is a remake or a homage...
anyway, I will not judge the film until I have seen it, and I of course hope it`s a good film.

The trailer look very digital? Anyone know if it`s shot on video or film?


Innrøm det, Fritt Vilt var på det beste middelmådig. Villmark er bedre på hvert eneste område. Håper Rovdyr kan leve opp til Villmark. Kult at den får 18 års grense.


Hvorfor skriver du på engelsk? Jeg tviler på at det er så mange utenfor Norge som har hørt om denne filmen.


En ting er helt sikkert. Om alle skriver på norsk så vil ingen andre høre om den.



for de av dere som fortsatt lurer så er det mennesker som jakter på mennesker... helt uten mål og mening egentlig og filmen i seg selv er utrolig dårlig, handlingen er den dårligste jeg har sett på leeenge, den når verken fritt vilt eller villmark til kneskåla engang, men det er nå min mening da..


herregud, jeg hatet jo fritt vilt og villmark, dritkjedelige og langt fra skumle... hvis denne er enda verre tror jeg ikke jeg gidder se den en gang...!

this is my homepage:


da er det vel stor sjanse for at denne faller i samme båt..
men brått så liker du denne, men har mine tvil.. kan hvertfall ikke skjønne hvordan NOEN kan like denne filmen!!!




Jeebus, this one was horrible. There's NOTHING in this movie we have'nt seen before. NOTHING. And it is'nt even played out good. The acting sucked, the role characters were irritating... and why would a girl hang out with such an a-hole who beat her anyway? My main problem is that I cant take a horrorfilm with norwegian spoken language seriously... wich is why I prefer writing in english rather than norwegian, cause norwegian language seems boring in moviediscussion to me.


why would a girl hang out with such an a-hole who beat her anyway?

-Happens all the time, dude.. chicks dig a-holes.

But regarding this film, I actually found it somewhat entertaining throughout, with the pretty girls and great gore-effects being the top-attention-maker.

Admitted, the plot is almost non-existent or rather as feeble and simple as imaginable, but that's okay for this type of movie, as the shocks and effects are all that matters anyway.

Oh and P.S: Keep it in English so that foreigners can understand what we're saying, not everybody reading this is Norwegian (I'm Danish, so of course I understand it, but still prefer to discuss in English here).


Yeah, actually it is quite rude to use norwegian in an international discussion board.

As for the movie, I agree with the previous posters.
The gore and make up effects are great, but the plot and overall logic of the movie sucks.

The length of the movie is kinda weird... 1h 13 mins...
Feels too long to be a short, but to short to be... long? :P

And about the movie being set to the 70's for no apparent reason, well, we will see more of that in the future because some stories cannot function in a world of cell phones. Makes sense because they would call for help and the movie would be even shorter... lol


Oh and P.S: Keep it in English so that foreigners can understand what we're saying, not everybody reading this is Norwegian (I'm Danish, so of course I understand it, but still prefer to discuss in English here).

I've always wondered how foreigners feel when we westerners write our posts in english.


It is retards hunting people. Its not supernatural, id say the hunters were too weak aswell.


It's not horror -- it's horrid.

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