Saw It Today

We got to a screening of this today. I enjoyed the film a lot, even though I'm an American, older lady who lives in the UK.. and not a huge football fan. I loved the scenes in NYC and L.A. - lots of interesting scenery as the guys travel along to Argentina. There were a lot of unanswered questions about this group. How did they get together in the first place? I had the feeling a lot of scenes were staged and it seemed very strange at the end when two of them walk into an airport just in time to see their buddies on the TV screen. Did the filmakers want to make a film or did the young chaps really have the idea of traveling come into their heads on their own? I'm being a bit picky, and it doesn't really spoil the film. The lads are amazingly talented!


you should have put a spoiler warning in there!!!

They all got together through free-style competitions. Not sure who's the idea was but the film makers gave them no money, just a camera crew. all their expenses had to be raised by the lads


I wasn't sure whose idea it was either. You would have thought it would have come up in conversation at some point. I think they would have all known each other already though. There are national freestyle tournaments around the UK and I've seen at least one of the lads on TV at a tournament, and another was on Football Icon, a reality TV show. (I saw them all live at half time at Wembley last Saturday too). The ending was clearly staged, but so was the ending of Borat. I suppose you have to end it somehow. I suspect there were a few things that they got help with along the way, particlularly towards the end. It is a very good film though. The editing was excellent, the story was told very well, and the music was well chosen. It had drama, humour, tension, comedy, and was well paced. A masterclass in film making in my view.

"I'm entitled. Simple. End of.."

