Entertaining, but...

I enjoyed this film / documentary. Some of the skills displayed were amazing, well worth the spectacle, not to mention the deep stories and some of the amazing camera work
I only have one critisism, and that's that this film has fallen too deeply into the overly-dramatic and emotive side of shooting and editing. At times, I found myself questioning whether it actually was a film, because some of the dialogue, interaction and camera shots they chose to include could have been from any typical Hollywood blockbuster. Backstories (understandably really important though they may be) were hammered in to such a degree, that after a while I felt little sympathy for the reasons they were doing what they were ('I just want my mother to be proud' - shows emotion when delivered once, but did it need to be in over and over again? - 'I'm doing it for my two dead friends' - again, highly emotive and explains so much, but did it really need to be hammered in quite so deeply?)

Amazing footage and a superb achievement, nothing but respect for the people participating (and obviously they had sponsorship help, but that doesn't detract from what they did). I was just a bit sad that, whether it was filmed this way or just cut this way) they overemphasised everybody's...I guess characters is the wrong word. Possibly their screen personas.

Still, what did everyone think? Was the pathos enough, or too much?

THIS is not an exit

Last film: The Devil's Advocate - 7/10
