MovieChat Forums > Kataude mashin gâru (2008) Discussion > is this the most gratuitously violent mo...

is this the most gratuitously violent movie you've ever seen?

i'm pretty sure it is for me. the only thing i can think of that's close is "Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky," but i haven't seen that one in years.
name some others.


Cannibal Holocaust. Although that movie is just plain disturbing, not fun violence like MGirl.

Well... That's just like my opinion, man.


Indeed enough Italians who can show you how to make gore.
Check the work of Lucio "Godfather of Gore" Fulci. Like Lucio would say "VIOLENCE IS AN ITALIAN ART!"

RIP Fulci

Look for the genre Splatter, a sub of Exploitation which is basically this.


Gotta agree with the Italian statement. Back in the 70's, those movies were raw. That isn't to say 70's flicks from Japan weren't gory, because they had some great examples. Machine Girl is goofy gore, like Riki-Oh.


talking about disturbing movies,
do never watch "Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma",
makes "Cannibal Holocaust" look like a disney film.


c h has hardly anything in it mainly animal gore.
lord of the undead now that is gore filled

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die


I've seen all of the goriest movies ever and this movie is definitely one of them.


I would differentiate between "most violent" and "goriest" movies.

The Guinea Pig series is pretty gory. I spit on your grave, Audition, and most decent zombie movies are gory as well. These are all more gory than MG, IMHO.

As for "most violent," I would say Battle Royale, 2LDK, Ichi the Killer, and, well, the Godfather, all definitely have more violence.

My favorite movies that have a combination of gore and violence are probably Park Chan-Wook's revenge trilogy (Lady Vengeance, Oldboy, and Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance), and most movies by Takashi Miike, Takashi Kitano and Shinya Tsukamoto.


Hmmm, how is Audtion gory? I'd put it in the violent category... Its very violent, but not very gory, it only has one gory scene.

Ichi The Killer is certainly gorier.

and Machine Girl is gorier than both.


Did you see Eat The Schoolgirl? That's pretty good too :)

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


Yeah, "Dead Alive"/"Braindead" is the winner in that aspect. And it's fun gore like in Machine Girl. "Evil Dead" 1 and 2 are also gory as hell. "Riki-Oh" is up there too, you should watch that again, it's great.

Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up! You see this? This... is my boomstick!


1. Dead Alive
2. Premutos: Lord of the Living Dead
3. Murder-Set-Pieces
4. Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
5. Riki-Oh: Story of Ricky
6. The Burning Moon
7. The Machine Girl
8. The Gates of Hell/City of the Living Dead
9. Gore Gore Girls
10. The Beyond

Something like that for a top 10 gore film thing..


Machine Girl was rather cheap and ineptly made, I thought. It tried too hard to be like Riki-Oh, or even Ichi or Tetsuo. Bored the hell out of me!
Still, it's better than "Teenage Hooker Became a Killing Machine".

"watch Red vs. Blue - listen to Asian Dub Foundation - go see Mark Thomas"



I think Ichi The Killer is a bit gorier, but this movie is definitely up there.

However, I think there's a difference between most violent and most gory. This kind of movie is more like a comedy.


Just wait 'til Tokyo Gore Police hits the States, my friend. I hear that one will drown you in blood.

-- I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, when he said, "I drank what?"


comin' in january, i believe?


Nope, Dead-Alive/braindead takes that honor.
Gown removed carelessly, head less so.


I've seen "Tokyo Gore Police" and it takes the cake for goriest and gratuitously violent movie I've ever seen. It easily makes "The Machine Girl" look like a Disney film. I've seen the tag line "If Machine Girl was to tame for you" used for "Tokyo Gore Police" and I can tell you that is 100% the truth.

It’s ironic that in this age of “tolerance” we are the most afraid of offending people.


finally saw "TGP." speechless


I havent gone through all the comments so this might have been mentioned before: Tokyo Gore Police is way more over-the-top than Machine Girl. If you enjoyed Machine Girl you'll love Tokyo Gore Police.


Hardly. I would say "Nekromantik" is beyond a doubt the most disgusting piece of gore I've seen. "Toky Gore Police" is a close second in rate of disgust but it's the number one in terms of gratuitous violence. In terms of splatter, I'd go for "Braindead" and in terms of over the top gore humor I'd go for "Bad Taste".

Compared with those above, I would say the violence in "The Machine Girl" is fairly mild and clean.
