This film is rubbish

This film began poorly and got worse. I actually checked how far the film had to go at one point and was appalled to find that it was only half way through. I began fast forwarding as it was way too slow, and just watching small sections, but then I gave up altogether because I realized that I didn't even care what happened. The acting, script and directing was so bad that it literally made my gut hurt. My impression is that this movie is at root a failing rich kid director and his cynical attempt to tap into some Indian cash by appealing to the Indian fantasy of having an American boyfriend and going somewhere like San Fransisco. Its like it has all the right ingredients for a good looking trailer and poster. Whoever put this movie together, and I really have the feeling that it is just some rich kid friends who wanted to be cool and so got into the movie business, had only one thing in mind... dollars. I was very pleased to see that in the US at least, this movie was a complete flop. This director must have come from commercials. This is like a witches brew full to the brim of movie and cultural cliches. One of the worst movies I have ever seen. This director doesn't really deserve to make any more movies. And whats with the sound. In much of the film I couldn't even understand what the female lead was saying. Even the boom operator was useless. I even had the feeling that the director had got his mates as extras and small parts. Like the hotel boy who delivered the female lead her dress. Even his acting was abysmal.


Maybe some day you'll learn how to write a coherent sentence so we can be sure your comments are the utter crap they appear to be.


Doesn't the incoherency of his sentences dictate that they are utter crap? Assuming you ARE the divine deliverer of the unwashed from "utter craptitude"?

I bow before you King Obvious.


I agree. It was a waste of my time.

P eople for the
E thical
T reament of
A bh-Ash
