Rate Shriya Saran...

Rate Shriya Saran on a beauty scale of 1 to 10.
No racist feelings...just want to know your opinion.






Shriya's in that movie? I only saw Shri Lakshmi-Padmasundari grazing my computer screen for close to two hours. Then I gathered up my life in the palms of my hands and offered it to Her. I'm still waiting for the call home...


i agree with killer, i say she is an 11

way above the typical moviestar beauty level





I am a blue-eyed white guy who grew up in the rural (and very white) midwest and I think she's about the most beautiful girl I've seen. I give her an 11.


totally off the charts!!! and so very sweet.



she is an upcoming star in south indian movies.She is hot,beautiful and off the scale in the all the movies she has done so far.

Life is all a Dew that comes all New



She breaks the scale, but if I have to pick one I'll say an 11 as well.


fabulous.. sweet, charming - a slim beauty.. ok: a 10..

hey - the divorce rate in Sweden is 54% of marriages (annually 54 divorces for every 100 marriages) ... USA went from 36% to 52% in the last 15 years... Canada, Holland: around 38%

know what the official figures are for India? 1% .. a friend of mine says the actual splitting-up figure is higher, for a variety of reasons (consensual live-ins are slowly catching on there, and many end sadly, as they do here). However, India remains a bastion of support for traditional marriage, largely because of its practice of arranged marriages . Yikes, you say? well, maybe Indian parents are not fond of their grown daughters being seduced by opportunists. The so-caLLED liberated Western woman can hardly find a serious marriage-minded man any more, since serial dating and casual sex have replaced the institute of husband and wife.

and maybe many Indian women look like Shriya Saran?

:-) canuckteach (--:



Interesting point.

I'm from South Africa, and there's a large Indian population here - with a lot of inter-marrying between Indians, and my own race (coloureds, basically mixed race). And they do tend to work out. Because it removes our own tendencies to question everything.

Just because something isn't "western" doesn't mean it's wrong.

----- You're a real... dame... Lois Lane... -----


However, India remains a bastion of support for traditional marriage, largely because of its practice of arranged marriages.

Wrong. The main reason divorce rate is low in India is because women are not as empowered. There is a consistent correlation between women becoming self-actualized and divorce rates going up. When women have a choice of who they want to be with, then they are free to leave a bad marriage. When they are entirely dependent on their husband, they just have to suffer.

See this for the Ugly Truth about Indian Divorce:
http://www.firstpost.com/living/the-ugly-truth-about-indian-divorce-wh y-the-new-cabinet-law-is-important-253387.html


"Rate Shriya Saran on a beauty scale of 1 to 10. "


She's dreamy.
