Lame ass movie?

Did anyone else see this and think it kinda sucked? I thought the animated portions were interesting but they seemed like a desperate attempt to create something "cool" and modern.

Then the court room stuff seemed by the numbers and tacked on at the last minute when the director realized he had no movie.

Also the beat night club scenes are some of the worst directed bits of film in recent memory. The close up on the reaction of the patrons literally had me laughing out loud. There was SO MUCH over-acting by the extras it was hilarious.

Not only that but I kept feeling like they kept showing the same scenes over and over, I've seen pornos with fewer repeated scenes.

I will say Franco did a pretty good job, I thought his weird pronunciations were funny and he got into the role. The best parts of the film were the interview bits.

In the end this movie was a failure, they could have done much more with Ginsberg and his crew.


I did like this film, but it did get a little repetitive after a while.

Garbage Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lame ass excuse for a review


The only, and I mean only, good thing about this movie was famous actors otherwise it was complete and utter crap. It was fun seeing MLP and John Hamm but otherwise no...just no...


I don't think it sucked, but I think it's not offering up anything you couldn't get from picking up a book, and using your brain a little bit. It's like a concise history for lazy people.



Unless you're a fan of poetry or Ginsberg this movie offers pretty much nothing.
