
Oh how shocking! Politicians are hypocrites!! No!!

Our current President voted for The Patriot Act Twice. He sued Citi Bank on behalf of ACORN to force Citi to give bad loans to minorities. And he’s openly against gay marriage.

Now let’s see some Leftists explore any of those issues.


More right wing mis-information. When did Obama sue Citibank, that i think would have been in the news.

Obama isn't pro gay marriage, but thats because the public opinion is against it, not because he is intolerant and biggoted (like Republicans)

Stop right wing hate! Support a return of the fairness doctrine:


Your dancing on the head of a pin, he is against gay marriage! It does not matter why, how or where. He is against it. You accept lies, how sad for you.

Obama suing ACORN, of course the Gesstpo media did not cover these facts...


GrantHawks you're attacking a straw man. This is a movie about the hypocrisy of closeted gay politicians who have anti-gay stances. If you want to make a movie about these unrelated issues that bother you, go right ahead.


I am down for the movie, I just think the best way to achieve "change", is to go after the top dog. All these other bozos mean nothing. They are a symbol of nothing, Barack Obama is against gay marriage. How do you think that resonates with people on the right? They love it!! They read the code and know he's against it morally. Until people are willing to go after everyone, no matter who they are, your cause will go nowhere.


That's just stupid. Obama isn't a closet gay man - there's no hypocrisy there. He wouldn't be president if he had come out in support of gay marriage and it's pretty obvious that his views are purely tactical. He all but admits to it in this interview:
...and he wants to repeal DOMA (HMMMM I wonder why he'd want to do that...?). It's not rocket science. Anyway, as I said, this is irrelevant because he's not gay so I don't see how that fits into this discussion. Obama is insanely liberal, and it drives the right mad. Anybody with half a brain (not right-wing), knows that Obama's stance on gay marriage is pure politics, so it's no biggie. Eh you said: "Until people are willing to go after everyone, no matter who they are, your cause will go nowhere. " - are you INSANE?! The "cause" is going just fine by the looks of it, there's no need to be so radical. Nobody wants to "go after everyone", just the hypocrites that publicly spread hate...


I never said he was a gay man.

Barack Obama is against gay marriage. Why is this so complicated? Why are you making excuses for him? The loudest voice in the world is against gay marriage. Why isn't he for gay marriage? I though he was above politics? Why does he not speak with his heart? The man is a fraud.


Eh I'm not making excuses, I'm just being rational. You're insane. No person would have won that election by supporting gay marriage. I sure wouldn't support it if I was running for president - because then I wouldn't be able to actually make any changes...I'd just, eh, lose. The guys a politician, not the messiah. Frankly, he has discussed his stance on same-sex marriage in such a way that gives the right what they want to hear -and winks at the left. The video I showed you is a crystal clear example of that - as are his political decisions. In 1996 he said, "I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages." - and Obama is anything but regressive. You'd have to be seriously dumb to believe he's being honest about his current position. I'm so glad he didn't "speak from his heart" and was politically savvy - or else we wouldn't have such a wonderful president today. For all those reasons, the video you posted is totally inaccurate. Besides, eh, didn't Miss California sort of eh, then go on to claim that being gay was a choice...and then get outed on having not-god-given breasts...and then join that barmy seriously homophobic "National Organization For Marriage" and give THIS diabolical press conference: and then have erection inducing photos of herself at the virginal age of 17 posted on the isn't she sort of a...dumb bitch?


She's an idiot, the point is Barack Obama is against gay marriage.


Well ok then, as I have stated that's fine by me - and anyone who understands politics. He can say whatever he wants as long as he works to repeal DOMA.
