Aspect ratio? (And an AMV)

Anybody know the "true" aspect ratio of this? I just finished watching the Blu-ray set - the series is framed in full 1280x720 (16:9), but something about the artwork just seems "off" to me. The faces and bodies are a little too long and slender, unless this was an artistic choice.

I played around with taking screenshots throughout the series and "flattening" them down, and 1280x684 (1.87:1) seems to look much better/more normal. 1280x660 (the same aspect ratio for the cutscenes in DMC4) looks good as well, but depending on the scene, starts to look too squished. Can anyone shed some light on this, or at least concur that the DVD ratio looks incorrect?

EDIT: Nevermind, I think I figured out that it's 1.85:1, so I wasn't too far off I guess.

UPDATE: Finished an AMV for this using "The Step and The Walk" by The Duke Spirit, adjusted for the above AR. Enjoy the fruits of my loins:
