
This went from a medium sized theater in our multi-plex to the smallest theater the first night, and even then about one-fourth of the audience left just after the half-way mark. There was a lot of MST3000 mocking by the audience and pretty equal from those staying and leaving. Not even up to par with similar genre direct-to-video. Could have worked as a Hallmark or Disney Channel film with less hammy actors and less jokes like calling Billy Crystal's Artie Fartie over and over and a script that didn't portray people over 50 as idiots. Worst part was watching the audiences walk out of the theater next to the Django audience. Talk about your winners and losers. What's truly amazing is this film seemed to alienate and offend both young and old equally. The film is only being shown this weekend in the three earliest slots, not in the evening, and being replaced with some art house movie, LOL.


I agree with you 100%. I love Billy Crystal and I was hoping that this would entertain me. It didn't


Bafoons. You're not target audience. Never were. Of course you walked out. What did you expect?

This was a family movie. Hinted so in the title. It was never meant to be a flippin blockbuster Oscar winning ground breaking film. It played alongside with exactly the right films.

If you paid a full price theatre ticket and brought a date - logic is not your friend. Suck it up.

This was a film visiting grandparents took their grand kids to. Duh.


This was a family movie. Hinted so in the title. It was never meant to be a flippin blockbuster Oscar winning ground breaking film. It played alongside with exactly the right films.

There are many family movies that were never meant to be a 'flippin blockbuster Oscar winning groundbreaking film' that 'played alongside with exactly the right films' ...

That weren't horrible like this piece of garbage.

There. Your logic falls flat on its face.


Don't be a moran!


The same thing happended at my theater. I went to see Django Unchained Wednesday night and Parental Guidance was playing on one of the medium screens. Went back tonight to see Les Miseriables and Parental Guidance had been moved to a small screen and Jack Reacher had been put back on the medium screen. I can only imagine how much this sucks.

Let Freedom Ring!


Speak for yourself. The theatre I went to was huge, and it was 100% full for just this one playing of Parental Guidance. Everybody was laughing too, even me. So because your theatre was not popular with the movie doesn't mean that other people didn't enjoy it. I almost couldn't get in, most of the seats were taken.


Nah, skillz1004, there must have been laughing gas in the air in your theater cause this movie was garbage. There was a chuckle-worthy moment here and there, but it was boring. I finished it because I paid for it, but it was boring, man.


Watched it with my 11 year old daughter who will normally watch anything and she said she was bored half way through. Don't waste your money. Feel sorry for Billy Crystal he deserves better scripts.

Ripley: Micro changes in air density, my ass.


Agree with Mendelssohn. The emotional highpoint of this film is supposedly the scene when Billy and Bette connect with their grandchildren which is conveyed with a game of kick the can in the pour rain.

After that, I gave up.


I loved this movie.

I have it on DVD.


Speaking of losers, nothing screams "loser" louder than a talentless hack whose inferiority complex causes him to pick apart perfectly good movies in a pathetic attempt to make himself look cool.

The fact that you can't even grasp such a simple concept as an archetype, which is what Billy Crystal's character was portraying; an archetype, not a representation of all old people everywhere, shows that you really are not qualified to review this movie.


Obviously you have reading disorders, I simply described the audience reaction at our particular theater, not a review. There are places that can help you learn to comprehend what you read and I hope you don't take it personally if that suggestion is made.


Haha well played. What the hell was that other poster even talking about? You didn't pick apart the movie, you gave an account of a theater reaction! I love when people are so angry at you for having an opposing opinion that they can't even READ what they're responding to, and are in such a hurry to insult you that their retort isn't even logical...

"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon


Sorry, not the type of movie I would walk out on! Only walk out once every decade or so (the uber famous Groundhog Day, Ace Ventura, and also Tinker,Tailor,Soldier,Spy come to mind). This was heartwarming in its own way. Problem is, we aren't used to seeing this type of movie. So it wasn't perfect...I enjoyed it.


I had to turn it off. I follow Hallmark channel movies and sit all the way through them. So I would say that this isn't Hallmark material either.
