I feel bad for....

1) Anyone who went to this camp.

2) Anyone else who watched this movie.

This has to be the only horror movie where no one was killed. The opening music was terrible. I felt like I should pull my d*ck out and jerk it because it was cheesy, jazzy porn music not horror mosic. Not a good start. The acting wasn't terrible. I take it that it was a charismatic camp. I watched and waited for stuff to happen and about three quarters of the way through I realized, damn, nothing is going to happen in this movie. This is a pot boiler with no boil.

No killers, no real bad guys, no explanations. Nothing. Oh wait, there was one thing, Jesse Eisenberg. Yeah, his face FILLS the poster and ads for the movie but be warned he is only in the movie for like 10 minutes tops.

I simply cannot believe that this film got made and distributed by Lionsgate. It seems like something that some shut in youth group kids would write and think was scary. The editing was confusing, as well as the flashback, vision aka the very cliched weird or trying to be scary shots.

The acting was good, but I don't know if that was because it was good or if it was because I used to go to such a church and such styled camps. Yes, I remember those songs and yes there was alwasys some drill sargeant type, super legalistic person who seemed to delight in scrubbing away all the colors in the world of the young. But a feature movie needed more than that to fill the very very long time this felt on screen. NO KILLERS, NO VICTIMS, NO BODY COUNT, nothing but kids singing bible songs, dialoging with religious people, learning that they will go to hell for even the smallest sin......blah....blah....blah.

Who financed this film? The Vatican? TBN? It felt like it belongs on some Bible cable channel.

I need to rent Texas Chainsaw Massacre and scrub the memory of this impotent, tepid, scare-less film out of my mind.

Camp Hell......coming soon to Youth Group Overnight Lock-ins everywhere. (Highly edited of course) not that there was anything objectionable in it.


I still can't figure out why the hell Jesse Eisenburg was even in the film.
He didn't even speak, just sat there...


I watched and waited for stuff to happen and about three quarters of the way through I realized, damn, nothing is going to happen in this movie. This is a pot boiler with no boil.

No killers, no real bad guys, no explanations.

Agreed 100%! I kept waiting for something to happen in the film, and there were a couple good creepy scenes but...nothing afterward! There was zero point to this film. What was the moral, that faith is wrong?! So the Father has a stroke, what's the point in that?

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
