MovieChat Forums > Camp Hell (2011) Discussion > also a former 'CAMP HOPE' survivor

also a former 'CAMP HOPE' survivor

I think George is amazing also, finally someone had the balls enough to do something like this. I went to Camp hope from age 10 to 15, and let me tell you ..looking back I can definatly see the irony this movie will bring to the "real" Camp Hope" can't wait till it comes out!!! I think all the X-campers should show up at the premier, drink "bug juice martinis" and as another Camp Hope-er reminded me recently, have a good ol' fashion sing-a-long....Camp a wonderful place....Camp Hope....filled with Glory and Grace!!!!!!
Ah, good times, good times!!!!!!


Been checking out this site for awhile now - george - HOLY CRAP! - you are in movies which you always wanted - we had a really long drive home from ohio together with a million stops for coffee - david - what can I say, I knew you when -I remember asking you a bizarre question on your front porch-I needed to know - I am extremely happy to see that you've done what you always wanted - both of you. Good Luck & I hope the movie makes millions...I will see it no matter what.


I am sooo glad you are a survivor! Since I was one of the many nurses who tended to you. I was the charge nurse during the great lice epidemic! The MAN-LY expedition where one young man broke both his ankles jumping off the cage on the athletic field. I always doubted God's input into that Adventure. And they thought rock music was dangerous! I am excited that you all have someplace to express your experiences. And believe me my husband and I will be right there getting those tickets. In fact if Berkely Heights has a movie theater still how about a world premiere! I do have some reservations since there are many good people who meant well who may be hurt. But none the less I was never a kid at camp and I can't judge anyone else's experience. Best of luck guys and more power to you!


Ha! I remember that ankle incident. I'm sure you saw me all the time, too. I was always trying to get sent home.



I had forgotten that song...
Thanks for the laugh!
Not only am I Camp Hope Survivor (Praise Bob), but also
a graduate of the original KA ... Class of '89.
Prayer Meetin' anyone?


you had me at Praise Bob. werd lets go.


wait this place is a f-ing camp where this *beep* happend?!



yeah, it sounds like a classic christian camp, I don't get why it's horror movie material.
I mean yeah, at my christian camp I was told not to bring harmless "magic" books or talk about other religions, especially Pagan ones. and I was sexually assaulted by a counselor and nobody did anything. But that's not scary. It just sucks and shows that christian camps suppress people and care more about saving face then about taking care of kids appropriately. That's why I bet this "Camp Hope" people are going to do anything to protest this film.


You got THAT right! It looks like they've already been pressured to change the movie title, but knowing how much power and money is behind the Camp, whoever made this movie just dove headlong up Trouble creek with a capital "T"and no paddle!


"care more about saving face then about taking care of kids appropriately" --Reads like some families I know. &


Hopefully a plague-swarm of moths destroys this so called "Camp" and eats the living flesh off of all the people involved in its creation.
