MovieChat Forums > Camp Hell (2011) Discussion > What a way to lose your faith

What a way to lose your faith

if you had any to begin I was raised very strict Church Of Christ and as a female was only allowed to wear dresses/skirts at the knees, no shorts above the knees on a hot summer day only, no rock music ever and any sexual intercourse was never for pleasure it was to procreate only( of course when you got married) , etc....just like this place. No wonder I am an atheist now. This movie really seems to be on the side telling you that these Jesus freaks are crazy and believe stuff that just makes you look like you should be in a padded room. Just like how it starts in a mental hospital. People like the ones that run these camps to me abuse children physiology, I remember our christian summer camps as a kid...this is why I went in the other direction. This movie is enough to make any young teen very sexual insecure. This movie just was the worst I have ever seen. And if this was a true story then it was told by someone that drank some koolaide laced with mushrooms.


I respect your post even though I believe in God. Faith in my opinion provides hope and forgiveness. For us to believe we can live a life without sin is impossible. We are living with the interpretation of Gods law. So we should let the knowledge of the world help us to live happy and safe lives. Faith helps me to add to the universe not take away. To respect personal boundaries and be okay with personal limitations. Maybe we can't have everything we want. But what we get should bring us true happiness and joy, not must us feel envy or dissatisfied.

she loved poetry and romance, but she hit the glass ceiling at birth
