MovieChat Forums > Camp Hell (2011) Discussion > Camp Hell makes Top 10 for 2011!

Camp Hell makes Top 10 for 2011!

Camp Hell makes Awkward Press' Top Ten Horror Movies of 2011 You Probably Didn't See. Check it out here:


It should have been in the top ten horror movies to avoid seeing.

"Smell of fear - Darkness is here."


Disagree, it deserved its spot. People need to lighten up. This film was a good indy horror film.

Sadly to most people; good character development, good acting, good scenery, and a decent story are all brought down by an overly religious theme(which is just a backdrop to the story).

For some reason when it comes to religion, many people just cannot suspend their disbelief on both side(Religious Zealots and Athiests). They seem to either have too much contempt for Religion or a need to protect their beliefs.

People should put their beliefs, whatever they are, in their pockets when watching movies like this and don't take everything so literal.

I believe if the Exorcist, one of the best horror films made, was released in this day and age instead of back in the 1970's it would be bashed and rated badly due to Religious intolerance on both sides of the spectrum..

I am an Athiest btw, but not an intolerant one.


What in God's name are you talking about? This movie wasn't scary and had no horror in it. If you find over-the-top religiousness scary then I guess it's the move for you.


This movie is not as crappy as a lot of people are saying.
My opinion: Decent acting and premise, but the storyline just goes nowhere and does not build any kind of suspense or urgency.
