MovieChat Forums > Coming of Age (2007) Discussion > BBC Three recommissions Coming Of Age

BBC Three recommissions Coming Of Age of-age.html

I'll admit i liked this show, a little bit..

I am the future Mrs Wolowitz.


I think this show is going to be one of those shows like Two pints of lager.. or Gimme, Gimme, Gimme that will take time to build up a fanbase.

As I mentioned on another thread I find it funny but don't know why. I'm glad it got recommisioned.


It's not the funniest show in the world, but i found myself watching it.

I am the future Mrs Wolowitz.


It does seem to be one of those shows that even if you don't find it exceptionally funny you watch it just to keep up with the storyline of the series.
That's when it traps you and you start to get interested in the characters even if you still don't find it funny.


I remember the day before a new episode was going to air, i was like, ahh i'm not gonna watch it was crap before.
Then the day came and i was like, ahhhh i need to watch the episode!
And i found myself watching the replays of it lol.

I am the future Mrs Wolowitz.


I think you and I could be the only members of The Coming of Age Appreciation Society despite thinking it's crap. Shall we organise the first official society get together for next month? I have a phone box near me if there isn't one near you. That should be big enough.

We can have a drink and recite classic lines from the last series.
Maybe the ones said by Chloe's mother about .. you know... skwelchy things.


I am sure there are more people, but you might find we are the only two people who like and dislike it at the same time, lol.

I am the future Mrs Wolowitz.


Wow. This news makes me very sad. The show reminded me of The Queens Nose with added swearing and was as funny as bad AIDS.
And before anyone says, 'If you don't like it, don't watch....blah blah blah,'it's filmed in my hometown and the fact that I have even such a tenuous link to it makes me constantly scared of being viciously punched in the head by a stranger who accidently watches this enema of a show. They'd be in the right too.

Seriously, if you like this kind of humour watch The Inbetweeners. It's not perfect but it's still everything COA epically fails to be. You really do not need this programme in your life.


The Inbetweeners owns this show 1000000 times over.



Dude, you just said that people would be well within their rights to punch you because you live in the town where it is filmed/set?
Sorta like guilty by association?

I want to punch you just for being so fudging stupid!

Seriously, that post represents a new level of human stupidity.


why is it when a new comedy is on the show people hate it, give it time and then they suddenly cant get enough of it.


I don't think he was being entirely serious. Quite why you'd want to punch him for jokingly suggesting such a farcical scenario is beyond me.

Back on topic, I watched one of the episodes last night for the first time (or should it be had the misfortune of watching) and was so full of rage at the moronic humour and tasteless gags and the fact that someone decided to commission this sorry excuse of a programme. After checking online for other people's reactions and to see whether I was over-reacting, hilariously I couldn't find a single positive review, one that was written by someone with a hint of intelligence that is, or at the very least could spell. Reading the overwhelmingly negative response, quite why they'd commission another series is beyond me.

To quote one of these reviews: BBC Three, where comedy goes to die.

We call this the Loom of Fate.


Pominator dude.

I don't really understand your reply. I said that people would be right to punch me because I have an almost-connection to this terrible, terrible show. It was a humourous comment but I'm guessing from your anger that you're a fan of Coming Of Age, yes? This being the case, I wouldn't expect you to understand a joke less obvious than a 5 ton slab of concrete. Probably with a penis stuck on top.
I am sorry you took umbrage with my comment though, so to make up for it I'm going to really make you laugh. I think your going to like this one, it's right up your street...


here it comes....


Hilarious, huh?! I should write for BBC3.
