This will be awsome!

I cant wait to see this. All the best to Justin. Good luck getting Harrison Ford.


Hehe yeah. I'm sure Mark Hamill will be more cooperative...but it depends on their schedule and whether they want to really.


I bet it won't be the big names... probably the guys in C3PO and R2 and the voice of chewie or something lame...


Rock on!

I hope they get the big names... but C3P0, R2D2, Chewie, a some stormtroopers, Wickett and a couple of the ewoks may be the only ones.... as a previous poster stated; Mark Hamill may do it... as for Harrison Ford, I think they've got more chance of getting Peter Cushing....

The best show they did was the A-Team one.


Nah, i thought the best one was bring back the one hit wonders, a good few showed up for that one, dallas was pathetic though, only 1 showed and he was known as the ugly kid from dallas haha.

This one should be great, cant wait

River Phoenix Fan
Two Coreys Fan


Yeah, because nobody has a clue what he's up to these days...


I read somewhere that Mark Hamill refused to take part in the reunion because Channel 4 would not pay him $50,000, or something.

That's a bit shallow, in my opinion, but then again, that's Hollywood.

"I Don't Understand Women..." Sam Spade
