
the price of sugar!


i would love to see this....Paul Newman!!!


The only reason Paul Newman appears in it is because he's a narrator.

What you should know, is that is nothing but a figment of a undesirable campaign of difamation that the highest interests of the world have against the Dominican Republic, because of -according to them- the state of slavery against the Haitian immigrants that work on sugarcane processing plants.


watch the film, it will open your eyes.

"We are here to move them, not change their beliefs"


I'm a dominican, I don't need any piece of mean-intentioned propaganda to open my eyes, because they are open enough!!


I'm neither Haitian or Dominican both I've been to both countries and have personally witnessed discrimination against Haitians.. I've seen them loaded on buses like animals and taken out of the city and Dominican newspapers are encouraging this. I've also been to the Batayes where poor Haitians and Dominicans both live in poverty and one culture thinks they're better than the other. So this is not a plot against the Dominicans..This is reality. I had to remember that a few doesn't speak for them all but if you're not careful you will be tempted to think most are like this. But as I stated elsewhere if you're Dominican and you know this exist, speak out against it. Silence stands for nothing.

"Mes Ami!"
