MovieChat Forums > Year One (2009) Discussion > Worst movie ever made?

Worst movie ever made?



It may not be the worst movie ever made, but it is the first and only movie I have left in the middle of.



IT was garbage.. And how does this Michael Cera guy get roles in Movies? He is unnatractive, annoying and untalented.. His role in this movie of a virgin whiny, annoying, wimp, desperate for the attention of this one girl was in a word



I wouldn't give this movie the title of 'worst ever'. And it did gross over 40 million. Jack Black does his best but falls very short. He can be funny and has a serious side. He needs a project similar to 'School of Rock'. He showed some depth of character and had moments that were funny. 'Year One' is poorly written and the acting is sub par.


No it's not the worst movie ever made but it was the worst film I saw last year.

I call movies that are considered 'bad' hated movies.




I gotta agree with the OP, I've seen 98.7% of every movie ever made, including foreign films, college student films, and every single YouTube video.

And I gotta say, this is the worst movie ever made.

reply forgot to put your trollie little sock puppet on....can't believe it took 5 years for that to be noticed...

** I need...ELECTROLYTE....for my, PEABRAIN...which is...CONSTIPATED... **


Close, but I think 'The Love Guru' wins that title. It was the worst film I saw that year, though.


How can you even know that?


if you're a male over the age of 12 and you consider that justin beiber movie to be better than this, i feel sorry for you...they need to make one of those 'unmanly' miller light commercials about you.


It was a pretty bad movie with funny moments but worst movie ever? Maybe if you haven't watch MST 3000 or any of the Twilight movies.



Year One was a BOMB and Your Highness was even worse.
