MovieChat Forums > Year One (2009) Discussion > most underrated stupid film

most underrated stupid film

I thought this film was hilarious and completely underrated. It was goofy slapstick comedy in the best kind of way. It was original and irreverent.

And to all of you trying to figure out the timeline, forget about it, it's not supposed to make sense, it's not supposed to explain anything about the bible, it really is just supposed to be fun.

Gawd, has everyone become completely uptight, I can't imagine what sort of criticism The Life of Bryan and History of the World would have received today.


I completely agree with everything you said. I just got done watching it and can't understand why this movie gets crapped on by people.

I think Cera and Black are a great comedy duo and I would love to see them together in more movies. They compliment each other so well.

Year One will be a cult classic.


"Year One will be a cult classic."

I don't see how that's possible. The 12 year olds who liked this film will watch it when they're older and say "WTF was I thinking?"

"Shawn made $20 an hour, that equals about 87k a year" Perfect_Imitation_2010


People bash this film because its crap. Its just toilet humor that an 8th grader could come up with. Although parts of it are kind of funny, I did like how they basically made it like a spoof of films like Gladiator and The Ten Commandments. One guy in the film even acts like Russell Crowe in Gladiator and one guy acts like Charlton Heston in TTC. That part of the movie was kind of funny but the rest of the film is garbage. Other than that, Jack Black's awkward look in this film just didn't fit in. I can't picture Cera and Black ever doing another film together.


I still say the most underrated stupid film is Stealing Harvard. So many great lines in that movie. But this one is up there. I enjoyed it. I love David Cross and Olivia Wilde, and Michael Cera kept cracking me up.


I am watching this for the third time right now. Pretty funny is all I can say.


Not so good, but pretty enjoyable.


It's a mediocre movie, which is way better then I thought it would be. I was expecting this film to be complete crap. I avoided it when it hit the theaters and it probably plays terribly in a movie theater, but when you catch it on cable, it's actually decently enjoyable.


love this movie


All borderline blasphemy aside, this movie was much more enjoyable than Juno or Tenacious D. I avoided it in theaters and caught it on Netflix and cried laughing. Yet another reason why film critics are retards.


Movie is very underrated. Has a very good cast and some hilarious scenes. Thought the circumcision part with Hank Azaria and Mintz-Plasse was great. Haters gonna hate.


This was the dumbest dumb movie I have ever seen, and I laughed a lot! lol


Yeah, it's no oscar winner but it's decent film with a very good premise for a comedy film.

I would like to see more historical comedies.


Agreed - it was just good, mindless, dumb humor to laugh at.


I agree totally , it had some great performances and I was laughing the whole way through. Harold Ramis did Analyse this and that was cracker.
Azaria was very funny and so was Oliver Platt and Cera even Jack Black was great.
the script was fantastic.

totally underrated film.
The timeline was all jumbled up like Forrest Gump.
and that steaming pile of crap won Oscars.


You just know that any film witb comedy outtakes at the end has to special.

I agree its one of the best comedies. Classic Jack Black and I never particularly liked him or even watched him before. But you can see he was in his element. Great comedy team with great writing.
But the highlight was the unmentionable Oliver Platt, made all the more hilarious because he only plays seriarse roles as far as I've seen.

