
... a film exploring a homosexual relationship without a trace of irony or comedy. No bold gestures typified by the label 'camp'. An honest depiction. Not that I'm excusing the larger-than-life portrayal. It's the performances that sell this movie. That and a refusal to observe the method of description previously taken up by films like 'Priscilla' and 'The Birdcage'. The last time I saw a movie this unconcerned with stereotype and prescriptive understanding was Cruising, and that was a long while ago.

I really liked this movie. It didn't feel forced, allowed for natural performances and was believable in both dramatic and comedic turns. It had time for a welcome bit of of dark humor. There should be more films this fearless and unconcerned with the status quo; that there is not is an indictment on Hollywood and a call to populist cinema. That this movie found a way to straddle the divide is worthy of applause.

Written with commentary on the recent 'Blue is the Warmest Color' in mind.


I agree! And it only makes it more amazing that two of the biggest stars around, have the starring roles. I love this movie!


Yet they still negatively stereotyped Christians and adoption. If they would have put as much care into not stereotyping those characters as they did with the two main characters, the movie could have been far better.
