Not my taste

I just didn't find it appealing and I am pretty open-minded. I did find the main character to be a little over the top, and there wasn't enough going on to keep me wanting to be interested. I only wanted it to be over, or to have an ending that would redeem itself. And while the heated scene with Poppy and Scott was the high point of the film, I just felt as though it wasn't enough. So this movie wasn't for me. I do understand people like different things and that's great, but I'm sure I don't understand why someone would find it appealing, but to each their own.


Now, re-read what you wrote and imagine it's me writing a critique of your statement rather than your "critique" of the film. I could say all the same things.

Why you think I (or anyone) should be interested, I have no idea, but I'm not.

You might want to take a film appreciation class to expand your idea of what a film does. It's not what you've seen on the telly all your life just to fill time and sell breakfast cereal.

Tune in next week when I write here about cleaning the bathroom. You'll be riveted.


....But, let's not be intolerant here.
If you can write an interesting essay on bathroom cleaning, maybe it would be riveting, but you didn't, so don't say fatuous things that aren't so. I was here the week after you posted this and very annoyed to find you were lying.

While it's true the orig. poster/nitwit didn't have anything worth saying, that doesn't mean you must cruelly hold a mirror up to her vacuous imbecility.

And to assume the reason this foolish coose didn't like the movie was because she wasn't sold breakfast cereal in it, this I find a faulty argument, and too disrespectful to the dunderpated cretin who's opinion you don't happen to share.
It's important to realize that not everybody who dislikes this movie is a worthy candidate for sterilization, to prevent the potential horror of their legacy carrying on through generations. It's necessary to find compassion for these poor wretched scum!!!!!!

Come on, everybody, see Wild Grass!



I totally agree with you. I have a degree in both film studies and film production and i didnt like the film and in particular Poppy at all. she actually struck me as mentally challenged and not happy at all. she had that type of forced happinnes on her that i wasnt buying. i also think that there was no proper plot and basically no sense to the film at all. i can see the director's intention but he failed at bringing his point across - namely to show how to deal with life in a happy and carefree way. it just didn't work for me.



What sublimejoint said was reasonable, well thought-out and understandable.
Your response was asinine.
