Was Poppy Gay?

I don't know? Maybe bisexual?

I know it showed she her and her boyfriend in bed and nude (a very classy scene by the way) but when Scott was talking to Poppy it seemed she indicated that she loved her roommate Zoe. When Scott stammered........."You mean your......." Poppy said, "Now you got it, Do you have a problem with that?" Of course Scott answered it's none of his business but you could see some anger in his face. Poor Scott, everything bothered him!

So, back to the question: Do you think Poppy and Zoe were just good friends or a little more?


No, that was the whole reason Scott flipped out- he THOUGHT she was a lesbian because of her comment (she was just messing around), then found out she was straight when he saw her with her boyfriend. It messed him up because he liked her. He was also totally clueless.

"I forgot my mantra."


Thanks Dylan!

That fits right in with the story.

I was confused but you cleared it right up! Thanks again!!


Though I don't think Poppy is bisexual, I think that if Zoe had made a move... She wouldn't have really stopped her. A few points:

There's something really lonely about Poppy until she meets Tim. Her insistence on talking to the book store guy, the homeless guy, etc etc. While this is an indication of her overall loving and open outlook on life, it might also be indicative she just wants companionship.

Secondly, Poppy acts intimate with Zoe a couple times. There are the few obvious things where they talk about how good the other looks, but I don't think that means anything. What I think MIGHT mean something is when Poppy starts playing with Zoe's hair - it's cute and affectionate, sure, but it happens AFTER she has a bad day. She takes comfort in Zoe. Of course there's the "gay chicken" scene too.

Overall I don't really think there ever WAS anything between them, but the idea of it warrants discussion.

God damn I love this movie


Well, I think this is a very good question, but to be honest, I don't think that Poppy was a lesbian. Yeah, she was kind of close and intimate to Zoe but it's not like it was anything sexual. Somehow, I think some straight women can be all affectionate and intimate to one another, especially if you look at a lot of countries in Europe. But it doesn't have to mean that they're lesbians. I did somehow assume that there could be some lesbian undertones between Poppy and Zoe that I am aware of, although that is just a speculation.

Btw, the part where Poppy takes the chicken fillet out of her breasts was so funny and very well-played. Hawkins delivered that line pretty well if you ask me.


My guess is that she made Scott understand that she's a lesbian just to discourage any possible Scott's attempt to pick her up.
She clearly has a feeling that he's a little bit weirdo, and she's right, indeed.


Leigh is quite certain in his commentary that they are not gay

Who cares about stairs? The main thing is ice cream.


I agree! She was just screwing with her insturctors head!


Leigh describes the girls as sisterly and comfortable enough with one another to be close and tactile, as well as having a running joke about being gay just to have a bit of fun with it

Who cares about stairs? The main thing is ice cream.
