MovieChat Forums > Happy-Go-Lucky (2008) Discussion > interesting experiment: real world Magic...

interesting experiment: real world Magical Pixie Dream Girl (spoilers)

Poppy is the Magical Pixie Dream Girl rom com trope with a bit of the irrepressibly whimsical sprite like Amelie, but existing in the real world and with a plausible psychological makeup. Unlike the more two-dimensional variety of MPDG she deliberately rather than pathologically puts on a happy face and has a degree of self-awareness. Her bubbly, jokey, chatty, and sometimes socially inappropriate persona induces a variety of responses in others depending on their relationship to her and their own issues.

best friend/roommate: loves her
bookstore clerk: disdainfully ignored
physical therapist: benignly ignored
disturbed driving instructor: stalking and meltdown
crazy homeless guy: perhaps briefly comforted - and she's very toned down
troubled student: helped - but note that she is very restrained with him
younger sister: chastizing followed by admission of jealousy
other sister: likes her; Poppy is a buffer between sisters
brother-in-law: friendly forbearance (she accidentally hurts his back!)
new boyfriend: interested and charmed

Poppy serves as kind of a Rorschach for others, drawing out their own tendencies. (Aside: How would Watchmen's Rorschach react to her?) Notice that besides the student, she's most toned down around the love interest and the most jokey/daffy with the driving instructor and the physical therapist - which suggests that her bubbliness/goofiness is a reaction to stressful situations.

Happy go Luck is nearly plotless besides the growing madness of the driving instructor. But still an interesting piece of social psychology.

